NASA PKI for PKI FORUM Presenters: Paul Ma, NASA-Ames Research Center 650-604-3586
Outline Background Information on Information Technology Security Development Group (ITSDG) NASA PKI Deployment Plan Objectives and Scope NASA Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) PKI Components NASA PKI Components and Architecture NASA Issues Issues for the PKI Forum
NASA NASA has 11 major Centers distributed all over United States: Ames Research Center (ARC) at Moffett Field, CA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) at Southern CA Glenn Space Flight Center (GRC) at Cleveland, OH Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) at Greenbelt, MD Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Pasadena, CA Johnson Space Center (JSC) at Houston, TX Kennedy Space Center (KSC) at Cape Canaveral, FL Langley Research Center (LaRC) at Hampton, VA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) at Huntsville, AL Stennis Space Center (SSC) at Bay St. Louis, MI
Principal Center for IT Security GSFC GRC MSFC JPL ARC IT Security Notifications, Incident Coordination & Response Expert Center IT Security Training and Awareness IT Security Networks & Communications Expert Center IT Security Systems & Applications Expert Center IT Security Development Expert Center (ITSDG) Incident(s) Identification Curriculum Requirements Network Audit Tools Audit Tools Architecture Planning Intrusion Tracking IT Security Workshops Firewalls Application Security Enabling Applications Response Teams IT Security Awareness Internet Security Req. Virus Detection Secure Video Conferences Threat Evaluate On-Line Courses Incident Tracking Tools WWW Secure Applications Crypto-Technology Demonstrations Threat Resolution ITS Technical Training Monitoring & Testing Secure O/S Configurations IT Security Tools WorkFlow Secure Processes Liaison System Testing Tools
NASA PKI Deployment Plan Objectives To implement a public key infrastructure contains the following components: A common NASA directory or repository for certificates A certificate authority (CA) Agents of the CA, registration authorities (RA) Policies to guide the operation of the PKI
PKI Deployment Plan Scope Establishing one central CA located at ARC and RA at ARC Assist the setup of RAs at other Centers Providing PKI services to secure sensitive but unclassified electronic information Creating documents for CA operation; Certificate Policy Statement, Certificate Practice Statement, and Security Plan Implementing security mechanisms and procedures for secure CA operation Establishing a disaster recovery plan Establishing a technical support service
NASA PKI Components The NASA PKI services are provided by: Certification Authority (CA) Ames manages the NASA CA. The software used is Entrust Technologies’ Entrust Infrastructure version 4.0. Registration Authority (RA) Each NASA Center manages its own RA operation using Entrust Technologies’ Administration Software. Certificate Repository Certificates are stored in the existing NASA X.500 infrastructure. Policy NASA’s policies are defined in the X.509 Certificate Policy for NASA PKI and the NASA Certification Authority Certification Practice Statement.
NASA PKI Architecture Certificates are stored here RAs sends requests X500 Certificates are stored here NASA Center RAs sends requests for certificates to the CA Certificates are managed by the CA Center RA Entrust Authority (Entrust CA) Main System Ames Backup Data Entrust Authority (Entrust CA) Backup System MSFC
User Access USER COMMUNITY End users retrieve certificates from the distributed directories for use by their PKI-enabled applications. X500 NASA ARC MSFC DFRC JSC GSC GSFC KSC JPL LaRC HQ SSC USER COMMUNITY Entrust Authority (Entrust CA) Main System Ames End users access the CA During certificate creation/ recovery/update operations.
PKI Status Secure CA at ARC and backup CA at MSFC have been tested and have been operational. Seven Centers have been passed through the ORR Audit. 2 Centers need more documentation before the final ORR approval. 2 more Centers are preparing for the ORR. Currently we are hoping to finish the ORR by the end of March providing the Centers are ready.
NASA Applications NASA PKI Secure Web Secure Desktop Secure E-Mail Secure Networking NASA PKI Secure Web Secure File Transfer Secure Remote Access Secure E-Forms Secure Desktop Secure E-Mail E-Grant Copyright 1997 Entrust Technologies 3
Information Integrity: Key To A Safe Free-Flight Airspace System 0101010011100111001110 010101011100111 010101001110011100111001010111 010101001110011100 0101010011100 0101010 010101001 10011100 010101001110011100111001010111101101
NASA Issues Interoperability between CAs, e-mail applications (Eudora and MS Exchange/Outlook) Directory Service was a major problem internally Policy issues gave us more troubles or as much troubles as technically issues export, auditing, archiving, license tracking, etc how to deal with external partners
Issues for PKI Forum PKI Forum needs to deal with scalability issues as well as interoperability issues Heavy client Directory lookup CRL distribution How is PKI is going to deal with all the millions of IPSec devices that are coming that require security?