1 Small Business Innovation Research Small Business Technology TRansfer Kathryn Packard, JSC SBIR/STTR Technology Infusion Manager April 10, 2014
2 NASA Participating Centers Ames Research Center Dryden Flight Research Center Johnson Space Center Stennis Space Center Marshall Space Flight Center Kennedy Space Center Langley Research Center Glenn Research Center Goddard Space Flight Center (White Sands Testing Facility) (Wallops Flight Facility) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
3 SBIR/STTR Background – Program Purpose The statutory purpose of the SBIR/STTR Programs is to strengthen the role of innovative small business concerns (SBC)s in federally-funded research or research and development (R/R&D). Specific program purposes are to: (1)Stimulate technological innovation (2) Use small business to meet Federal R/R&D needs (3) Foster and encourage participation by socially and economically disadvantaged SBCs (4) Increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal R/R&D, thereby increasing competition, productivity and economic growth (5) And through STTR encourage cooperative research and development with non-profit research institutions, such as a universities, with the primary objective of facilitating the transfer of technology from research institutions through the entrepreneurship of small business contracts
4 Inherent Challenges of Space Systems Surviving Launch Conditions: high g-load, vibration, payload fairing, deployment Functioning in Extreme Environments: radiation, temperature, gravity, vacuum Limited Power Availability High Degree of Autonomy and Reliability Long Range Communication and Navigation
5 SBIR/STTR: 3-Phase Programs (FY14 solicitations) Phase 1 – Feasibility study – $125K Contract Award – 6 months duration (SBIR) – 12 months duration (STTR) Phase 1 Select – Feasibility study – $125K Contract Award – 6 month duration (SBIR) Phase 2 – Technology Development – 2-Year Contract Award – $750K (SBIR/STTR) – $150K Phase-2E / Phase 3 Bridge Option plus matching non-SBIR funds Phase 2 Select – Technology Development – 2-Year Contract Award – $1.5M (SBIR) Phase 3 – Technology Infusion/Commercialization Stage – Use of non-SBIR Funding Agreements – Ability to award sole-source contracts without further need for Justification Other than Full and Open competition; (No JOFOC) based on specific SBIR authority
6 SBIR/STTR Agency Funding FY2010 ~2.6 B *Others Indicate: DHS, DoC, DoT, EPA, ED, USDA,
7 Who Participates in NASA SBIR? Number of Employees NASA SBIR Fiscal Year 2013 Firms are typically small and new to the program About 1/3 are first-time Phase I awardees. Small hi-tech firms from across the country.
8 SBIR FY2014 Solicitation Program Content Aeronautics Research TopicTopic Title A1Aviation Safety A2Unmanned Aircraft Systems A3Air Vehicle Technology A4Ground & Flight Test Techniques & Measurement Science TopicTopic Title S1Sensors, Detectors and Instruments S2Advanced Telescope Systems S3Spacecraft and Platform Subsystems S4Robotic Exploration Technologies S5Information Technologies Space Technology Topic Topic Title Z1Space Technology for Cross-Cutting Applications Z2Cross Cutting Advanced Manufacturing Processes Human Exploration/Operations TopicTopic Title H1In Situ Resource Utilization H2Space Transportation H3Life Support and Habitation Systems H4Extra-Vehicular Activity Technology H5Lightweight Spacecraft Materials and Structures H6Autonomous & Robotic Systems H7Entry, Descent, and Landing Technologies H8High-Efficiency Space Power Systems H9Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) H10Ground Processing & ISS Utilization H11Radiation Protection H12Human Research and Health Maintenance H13Non-Destructive Evaluation
SBIR Select Topics Example 2014 SBIR Select Subtopics SubtopicSubtopic Title A20.01Air Traffic Management Research and Development H20.01Human – Robotic Systems – Manipulation Subsystem and Human-System Interaction H20.02 International Space Station (ISS) Demonstration and Development of Improved Exploration Technologies S20.01Array Technologies for Microwave Remote Sensing S20.02Novel Spectroscopy Technology and Instrumentation S20.03Radiation Hardened Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Platforms Z20.01Deep Space Cubesat Technology
STTR Topics Example 2014 STTR Topics TopicTopic Title T1Launch Propulsion Systems T2In Space Propulsion Technologies T3Space Power and Energy Storage T4Robotics, Tele-Robotics, and Autonomous Systems T5Communication and Navigation T6Human Health, Life Support, and Habitation Systems T7Human Exploration Destination Systems T8Science Instruments, Observatories and Sensor Systems T9Entry, Descent and Landing Systems T10Nanotechnology T11Modeling, Simulation, Information Technology and Processing T12Materials, Structures, Mechanical Systems and Manufacturing T13Ground and Launch Systems Processing T14Thermal Management Systems T15Aeronautics
11 NASA Technology Roadmaps
12 Nature of NASA Phase 1 and 2 SBIR & STTR Contracts SBIR contracts are fixed price contracts to be completed on a best effort basis Company will own resulting intellectual property (data, copyrights, patents, etc.) Government has royalty-free rights for government use of intellectual property Government protects data from public dissemination for four years after contract ends NASA is a potential customer
13 SBIR – Eligibility Checkpoints Organized for-profit U.S. small business (500 or fewer employees) At least 51% U.S. owned and independently operated Small business located in the U.S. P.I.’s primary employment with small business during the project
14 Before Submitting a Proposal Review prior year solicitation: Search and identify specific technical areas (subtopics) and lead center(s) of your interest Request subject matter expert contact information from respective field center program POCs /Call technical POCs and initiate dialogues Learn technology needs and priorities Visit and brief NASA on your companies capabilities, if the opportunity presents itself
15 Proposal Review & Selection Criteria Proposal Review – Factor 1: scientific/technical merit and feasibility (50%) – Factor 2: experience, qualifications and facilities (25%) – Factor 3: effectiveness of the proposed work plan (25%) – Factor 4: commercial merit and feasibility (adjectival) Proposal Ranking and Selection – NASA Project/Mission Alignment – Value, Priority and Infusion Potentials
16 TRL Tracking DATA Phase II Technology Advancement Profile
17 NASA TechSource
18 Outreach & Publications index.html NASA SBIR/STTR Newsletter /newsletter.html
19 Challenge Help us determine how we can create a more effective partnership between the genius of the American entrepreneur and the power of the federal government. --Charlie Bolden, NASA Administrator
20 National Aeronautics and Space Administration