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C ognitive S cience O verview Week One :Background & History Principles Week Two : Research Methods Current Research Theoretical Approaches Current presentation
Narrated and produced by Adrian Falticeni
“…The scientific study of the mind …” “… Intelligence …”
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology.
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology. Scientific Method Objective, Simulation Models
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology. Scientific Method Objective, Simulation Models Approaches to Study Symbolic (Computer) Connectionist (Neural) Dynamic (Interrelated)
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology. Scientific Method Objective, Simulation Models Approaches to Study Symbolic(Computer) Connectionist (Neural) Dynamic (Interrelated)
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology. Scientific Method Objective, Simulation Models Approaches to Study Symbolic (Computer) Connectionist (Neural) Dynamic (Interrelated) Multiple Levels Computational (Software) Algorithmic (Functional) Implementational (Physical) “ Consciousness …” “… Animal Cognition …” “… Emotion …” “… Social and Cultural factors.”
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology. Scientific Method Objective, Simulation Models Approaches to Study Symbolic (Computer) Connectionist (Neural) Dynamic (Interrelated) Multiple Levels Computational (Software) Algorithmic (Functional) Implementational (Physical) Topics of Less Concern Consciousness, Animal Cognition, Emotion, Cultural & Social Factors “ Long & Short term…” “... Facts vs. Procedural.”
Interdisciplinary Psychology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Computer Science, Robotics, Anthropology, and Biology. Scientific Method Objective, Simulation Models Approaches to Study Symbolic (Computer) Connectionist (Neural) Dynamic (Interrelated) Multiple Levels Computational (Software) Algorithmic (Functional) Implementational (Physical) Topics of Less Concern Consciousness, Animal Cognition, Emotion, Cultural & Social Factors Topics of Interest AI, Attention, Languages, Learning, Memory, Perceptions “Thank you for listening.” - Adrian References Friedenberg, J., Silverman, G. (2005). Cognitive science: an introduction to the study of the mind. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage. Thagard, P. (2 nd. 2005). Mind: introduction to cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Cognitive Science. (2009). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 21, 2009, from And a special thanks to David Attenborough, for no particular reason at all.