Title: Dairy of A Wimpy Kid Author: Jeff Kinney Date/Year Published: 2007 Genre: Fiction Name :Kaylana D Class Period: 2
Setting In Diary of a Wimpy Kid the setting happens mostly at school, but sometimes at home. The house seems pretty spacious. Greg (the main character) has lots of funny and good memories in his house. At school Greg doesn’t seem to like it their because he feels out of place!!
Characters Greg is the main character. He feels out of place with his family. He has a round head with 3 hairs on top and is very skinny. Rowley is another character in the book. He is Greg's best friend. Greg sometimes mistreats Rowley an Rowley knows it. Rowley has a square head and flat hair and 2 buck teeth and is kind of pudgy. Rodrick is Greg's older brother and is always mean to Greg. Rodrick looks like a mean type of guy. He has a round head, thick eyebrows and kind of muscular
Plot: Conflict The problem is that Greg doesn’t think that he fits in with anybody……. NOT EVEN HIS FAMILY! He thinks everybody is weird. In reality most people this Greg is weird.
Since the problem is not resolved, Greg just keeps being himself and continues to write in his diary… I mean journal. His life continues more in the 2 nd book Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
I think that Diary of a Wimpy Kid is hilarious!!! I really enjoyed reading it. I couldn’t put it down. Some of the stories in the book I have memories that cab relate to his stories.
Interesting facts about Jeff Kinney 1)Jeff Kinney is a online game designer and developer 2)Drawing and Writing is a struggle for Jeff 3)When he was younger he did not keep a journal like Greg 4)He loves to play Volleyball 5)Jeff Kinney was kind of inspired by his 2 sons
1.True or False – Is Greg jealous of Manny (his younger brother A: True 2.Who comes up with Zoo Wee Mama A: Greg but Rowley made it a big thing 3.What happened to the rotten cheese A: Rowley was forced to eat it 4.Who toilet papered Greg’s grandma’s house A: Teenage guys that had been following Greg and Rowley during Halloween 5.What is Rodrick's REAL band name A: Loaded Diaper
Summary Greg is just a little bit of a loner and has this Diary, I mean journal that he records his thoughts and experiences in. Greg has a true friend Rowley. He is a lot like Greg he is un-cool and a geek. Rowley gets more popular while Greg is sitting at the bottom of the cool list. Greg comes up with different ways to save their friendship. While trying to get more popular.