3 There are ten kinds of questions generally found on the TOEFL. The first five types are asked most frequently (75 to 80% of all questions). the last five types are asked less frequently (20 to 25% of all questions). Types of reading comprehension questions
4 1. Main idea questions 2. Factual questions – positive 3. Factual questions – negative 4. Inference questions – specific applications 5. Inference questions – general applications Most frequently asked questions:
5 6.Analogy questions 7.Written expression questions 8.Organization questions 9.Following-on questions 10.View point questions Less frequently asked questions:
6 You will be asked to identify the main idea or topic of the whole passage. There is usually onloy one main idea. This is a very important question type, because each passage usually has one main idea question. Main idea questions Purpose
7 main point mainly discuss main idea best title main purpose mainly concerned main topic Words/Phrase to look for
8 What is the main idea of the passage? With which of the following is the passage mainly concerned? What is the main part of the passage? Whih of the following does the author mainoy discuss? Which of the following would be the best title? Sample questions
9 You will be asked for specific information discussed in the passage. This is a very important question type, because each passage usually has several factual questions. Factual questions – positive Purpose
10 According to the author, … According to the passage, … Who, what, when, where, why, how which Words/Phrase to look for
11 Which of the following questions does the passage answer? According to the passage, which statement is true? When did ‘something” happen? Who did “something”? Sample questions
12 You will be asked to identify information NOT discussed in the passage. This is a very important question type, because each passage usually has several factual questions. Factual questions – negative Purpose
13 NOT EXCEPT LEAST MOST These words are always capitalized on the TOEFL. Words/Phrase to look for
14 The author discussed all the following in the passage EXCEPT … According to the passage, which is the most likely reason? Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? Sample questions
15 You will be asked to form a conclusion based on information discussed in the passage. Inference questions – specific applications Purpose
16 It can be inferred that … The author implied that … Words/Phrase to look for Sample questions Which of the following does the author imply? Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
17 You will be asked to apply information from the passage to general situations outside the passage. Inference questions – general applications Purpose
18 Likely agree with… Most likely to … Words/Phrase to look for Sample questions How does the author feel about the characters mentioned in the passage? Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose? What is the general tone of the passage?
19 Analogy questions Purpose You will be asked to compare the question’s answer choices to ideas discussed in the passage.
20 Similar to Compare to Analogous to like Words/Phrase to look for Sample questions Which of the following is like “the main idea?” Doing “something” is analogous to which of the following?
21 Written expression questions You will be asked the meaning of words in the context of a passage or the referents (antecedents) for pronouns Purpose
22 refers to means in this contect Words/Phrase to look for Sample questions The wotd this in the last sentence refers to... What does “word” mean in the context of this passage?
23 You will be asked to determine how the author presented the information. Organization questions Purpose Words/Phrase to look for which details present this dioscussion
24 Following-on questions You will be asked to guess what information might follow the passage. Purpose Words/Phrase to look for In the next paragraph,... Next sentence
25 In the next paragraph, the author will most likely mention.... How might the author conclude the discussion ? Sample questions
26 View point questions You will be asked to determine the author’s tone, attitude or purpose. Purpose Words/Phrase to look for
27 point of view author’s purpose author’s attitude general tone feel Words/Phrase to look for
28 How does the author feel about the characters mentioned in the passage? Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose? What is the general tone of the passage? Sample questions
29 To practice this knowledge, please make the 10 types of reading comprehension questions, 2 questions for each type. Therefore, you have to make 20 reading questions that should be handed in to me next week, in the following meeting. The passage should be taken from the Jakarta Post or Indonesian Times. Use the most current issues as presented in the newspaper. Individual assignment
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