Running a Competitive Event HOSA Advisors: Everything you need to know
CE Rundown GA HOSA has the largest number of competitors at the State Leadership Conference in the nation We will offer all 55 events this year Last year we had another record number of competitors and we anticipate continued growth This is why we require everyone to work an event
CE Process Prior to SLC 1. Students choose event 2. Students take region on-line test during week of Jan 7-11, 2013 (if region event) 3. Top ten scores from each region are automatically registered for SLC 4. Students register for non-region events
Thursday at SLC 1.All students can take Healthcare Issues Exam (if registered) 2.All competitors will then attend either: a. Event orientation b. Orientation and round 1 test c. Orientation and preliminary competition 3.Competitors in events without written tests will receive appt time during orientation 4.Results of written tests or preliminary competition will be posted Thursday evening, top scores advance to round 2 on Friday
Friday at SLC Students report to event location at designated time and present to judges Judges rate competitors on scantron forms Scantrons are taken to tabulations where they are run through computer system and competitors are ranked
Grand Awards Saturday morning at SLC Students and advisors must be in official uniform or professional dress Top 5 from each event are recognized on stage Top 3 from each event receive medals Remember: Students must score 70% on skills to be recognized as finalist- this is why there are sometimes only 1 or 2 competitors called to stage.
Preparing for your event Respond to contacts from your category chair or lieutenant confirming your assignment Read and study the General Rules and Regulations (found in section B of HOSA Handbook) Read and study your event guidelines Read the Georgia HOSA Competitive Events Management Guide
Closer to Conference Time Participate in pre-conference phone call with your category chair or lieutenant Make sure you know the time and location for your orientation with your category chair and lieutenant Check the agenda and identify your event times (orientation and round 2), this way you can plan your chapters’ activities around these times
At the Conference Locate your room/s Event managers must attend the orientation session with the category chairs for final instructions Event managers pick up event boxes, supplies/equipment/tests in CE headquarters to deliver to the event location minutes prior to the scheduled event time Event personnel should arrive at their event orientation/testing location 30 minutes before the scheduled event time to receive instructions from the event manager
Judge Orientation Event managers will meet and eat with judges for either breakfast or lunch Judges will be given copy of event guidelines and a short explanation of the event Judges will be given instructions about the scantron rating sheet, they will also be informed which skill students are performing and should discuss how they will rate the students Remember- even if judges disagree with the rating sheet, they can’t change them.
Checking in Competitors Students will check- in at a table outside the event room During check-in, do a quick check of dress code, students will then be given their scantron forms or rating sheets Students must have their conference name tag to check in and all team members must check in together Remember- if you have a concern about a dress code issue, send for your Cat. Chair to check.
Orientation All events have an orientation that is mandatory for competitors, in some events, it includes a written round 1 test You will be given a script to guide you through the orientation and instructions for administering a written test If giving a written test, students must bring their own pencil, we will provide sharpeners Written tests must be timed according to the guidelines, students will be alerted when there are 15 minutes remaining
Orientation (continued) Some events require that competitors turn in documents during orientation, failure to do this results in a loss of points- so it is very important to note this on your check-in sheet Students also lose points for failing to attend orientation, so it is important to document attendance (some events allow a proxy to attend- must turn in form) Competitors without a round 1 exam will be given their appointment times during the orientation
The Event Room will be set according to the diagram Greet and check in competitors, check dress code, if in question- get category chair to check (be discreet) Timing is very important- students are timed according to the guidelines and must be stopped when time is up (they receive zeros for parts of the skill they don’t complete) For skills events, student receive a card with a written scenario, time starts when they receive the card, do not read it to the competitor/s
Judges Judges will receive an orientation explaining the event, reading the guidelines and discussing how students will be rated It needs to be a very positive experience for them- please be very attentive and make them feel welcome and appreciated It is also very important, however, to keep the judges on task- they are also allowed a certain amount of time to complete the rating sheet When they complete the rating sheet, please make sure they filled in the scantron completely. If they accidentally leave one blank, the computer reads that as a zero and can drastically impact a competitor’s score.
Event Wrap-Up Each competitor should complete an evaluation form before leaving Event personnel and judges should also complete an evaluation upon completion of the event Event managers should complete the event summary and return event box, supplies, ratings sheets to CE Headquarters
The Event Box Every event has a “box” that is prepared prior to the SLC Everything you need (paperwork) can be found in this box The event boxes, along with any needed equipment will be located in CE Headquarters. The contents are considered confidential – will be picked up by the event managers prior to orientation and round 2
Communication is the KEY Our goal this year is to improve the communication between CE Management Team members and event personnel If you have any questions, contact your category chair or one of the CE Directors.