... show charm of the Chinese culture to the world, and accommodate Chinese cultural inheritance with contemporary culture and a modern society To strengthen China's soft power, the country needs to build its capacity in international communication, construct a communication system, better use the new media and increase the creativity... Creative Industries in China Creative industries? Design Fashion Architecture Xi Jinping embraces China’s soft power
2 Dutch Design and Creativity is getting BIGGER
China’s creative development Creative industries are now seen as an important factor for the enhancement of the overall competitiveness of China’s economy and future growth Pro-active development Creative clusters by Chinese government Strong difference still between 1st and 2nd tier cities Physical pressence and some understanding of Chinese cultural values are very important IPR issues We see foreign successes in the following fields architecture, design, fashion, gaming and animation 3
Market Opportunities in China Architecture Largest segment in Chinese creative sector Competition high (both international and domestic) Real estate sector under pressure Sustainable building Green city Often government ‘guanxi’ important Design Branding and marketing of growing importance within Chinese market Internationalizatoin Chinese brands Less focus on price compitition. Product and industrial design Fashion From producer to consumer Luxury market Fashion market tripled in last decade Online marekting and sales channels of growing importance Fake-products 4
5 Get started link to the Dutch creative networks