description; compare-contrast; narrative; definition; opinion; cause- effect; classification; process
Purpose: Give the reader a visual picture of the topic. Get the reader involved. Uses the 5 senses. Uses feelings.
Key Features Uses 1. Describes 2. Gives impressions/feelings about 3. Does not give a definition 4. Paints a picture with words 5. Uses sensory words that apply Give features or characteristics Give impressions about something Give feelings about something
What is happening in this picture?
Purpose: Show how 2 items are the same and/or different. People Ideas Things
Key Features Uses 1. Two subjects 2. Compared similarities or differences 3. Similarities or differences that are not so obvious. 4. Use point by point Show similarities Show differences Strengths and weakness Advantages and disadvantages
Purpose: Explains the reasons something happens or the results of consequences
Key Features Uses 1. Causes of a thing or event 2. Results of a thing or event 3. 1 cause – multiple results 4. Multiple causes- 1 result Causes of something Consequences, or effects, of something NOTE: make sure the topic has a cause – effect relationship.
Purpose: separates ideas into specific categories
Key Features Uses 1. A thing being classified 2. Different groups 3. Distinct categories without overlapping 4. Descriptions 5. Identifying characteristics Show different types or categories Differentiate between the parts of something