In one year there is enough waste produced in the United States to fill garbage cans that would stretch from the Earth to the moon. –Jennifer Carless, author of: Taking Out the Trash: A No- Nonsense Guide to Recycling
We dispose of our trash: 73% landfills 14% incinerated 13% recycled That trash is broken down: 40% paper and paperboard 18% yard wastes 9% metals 8% plastics 7% glass 4% wood 3% rubber and leather 2% textiles 3% miscellaneous
Recycling costs $20 less per ton than land filling and $30-$45 less per ton than incineration Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an incinerator, and the energy saved from recycling one glass bottle can run a 100-watt light bulb for four hours