Analysis Issues in Assessing Efficacy in Randomized Clinical Trials “Intention to Treat” and Compliance Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer Oncology Biostatistics April 26, 2004
Randomized Clinical Trials Why are randomized trials the “gold- standard” for assessing treatment efficacy? Randomization! Balances factors that might be related to treatment effects across groups Controls confounding. Avoids selection bias in forming groups.
General Problem Study subjects do not always adhere to protocol –Drop-out –Switch treatments –Take only a portion of assigned treatment How do we account for ‘compliance’? Most would say: “we don’t and we shouldn’t!”
Example: Coronary Drug Project Total mortality using clofibrate vs. placebo in men with history of myocardial infarction –Good adherers, clofibrate: 15% mortality –Poor adherers, clofibrate: 25% mortality –Good adherers, placebo: 15% mortality –Poor adherers, placebo:28% mortality Tried to ‘adjust’ but it didn’t help.
Intention to Treat (ITT) What is “intention to treat”? Analyze the data based purely on the randomization Ignore the following: –Cross-overs –Non-compliance/Drop-outs Sounds illogical, but, in principle, it isn’t. Some encourage ‘supplementary analyses’ which look at compliers only
Examples of Violation of ITT Compare only patients who actually received assigned treatment. Assign patients to comparison groups based on the treatment they received. Exclude patients with low adherence/compliance
What do we know about compliance? In general, compliance ….. Is not random –Individuals who are not compliant might also have other ‘factors’ which are related to the outcome Is not dichotomous –Non-compliers can have varying levels of non-compliance –E.g. might only take ½ of prescribed medications, might only take ¼. Can fluctuate over time –Often, compliance is good early in study and then tapers off. –Sometimes, patients will take lots of meds close to office visit to ‘make-up’ for non-compliance. Is hard to measure –Reliability –Completeness –Inequality of follow-up across arms
So….. It is potentially “hazardous” to rely on analyses that allow for non-compliance ITT is unbiased: it measures ‘effect’ in global sense –If people are non-compliant on trial, they are likely to be non-compliant in “real-life” –If people switch medications, or self-medicate on trial, they are likely to do that in “real-life” And, compliance analyses are usually an afterthought: –Not part of the clinical trial protocol –Ad hoc analyses decided after the study is over.
Tempting… It is tempting to analyze by ‘treatment received’, BUT! –The groups are no longer comparable –Effectiveness of treatment should incorporate compliance (outside trial people may be even LESS compliant)
But, ITT is not always ideal Supplementary analyses are often warranted They can provide additional information But, by and large, experts agree: ANALYSIS BY “INTENTION TO TREAT” SHOULD REMAIN THE MAIN STATISTICAL APPROACH FOR PRESENTING COMPARATIVE RESULTS FROM RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIALS.
Example Serum Cholesterol in elderly hypertension trial Patients were randomized to either (A) diuretic, (B) beta-blockers, or (C) placebo 1 year post randomization: –(A) vs. (C): mmol/l change in serum cholesterol (p=0.001) –(B) vs. (C): mmol/l change in serum cholesterol (p=0.003) SURPRISING: Why would there be a lipid effect of beta-blockers?
Compliance issues 30% of beta-blocker group were also receiving diuretic by 1 year either instead of or in addition to beta-blocker. Alternative analysis: Consider 3 groups –Diuretic alone –Beta-blocker alone –Both Results: –Diuretic alone: (p<0.001) –Beta-blocker alone: (p=0.20)
How to interpret these results? ITT is not “wrong” analysis But, the additional analysis provides insight. Sometimes, however, it gets messy and hard to interpret.
Example: Febrile Seizures Use of phenobarbitol for the prevention of recurrence of febrile seizures in children. Question: it might help seizures, but does it hurt child’s cognition? Randomized double blind placebo controlled trial Outcomes: Seizure recurrence, change in IQ Some failed compliance Some crossed-over Depending on how adherence is defined, different results and different inferences.
Strange results???
Sometimes ITT is not an option Two kinds of outcomes (generally): –Visit-related: quantitative lab measures, symptoms –Events: death, relapse, development of disease. Visit-related endpoints are harder for follow-up Patients may drop out between the baseline and follow-up visit. –Non-compliance with treatment is related to non- compliance with follow-up. –Non-compliance is not independent of treatment group.
Example: Incomplete Follow-Up MAAS: Multicentre Anti-Atheroma Study Simvastin versus placebo N = 381 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) Outcomes: Mean change in 4 year mean and minimum lumen diameter of preselected segments of coronary arteries Study planners realized four year follow-up would only be achieved by a subset of patients
Example: Incomplete Follow-Up How can we plan ahead for that? Options: –Increase sample size? –Use 4 year data on completers only? –Use LOCF (last observation carried forward)? Problems: –Sample size increase will still not help with the bias –Completers only analysis introduces bias –LOCF has validity issues: assumes that patients observation at, for example, 2 years is the same as at 4 years.
Example: Incomplete Follow-Up Planners decided to use LOCF Preserved the ITT approach Introduced bias into the measurements
Another example: Differential Dropout Inhaled corticosteroids vs. placebo 116 kids with asthma Outcome measure is FEV (forced expiratory volume) More patients withdrew on placebo arm than on corticosteroid arm (26 vs. 3). Dropout due to exaccerbation of symptoms (so, maybe treatment works!) Difficult to interpret quantitative results “Informative censoring”
Using Compliance Data Example: Obesity study European multi-centre double-blind randomized trial of dexfenfluramine (dF) versus placebo. 1 year follow-up of 822 obese patients Compliance data: –Plasma concentrations of fenfluramine(F) and its metabolite norfenflurmaine (nF) taken at 6 and 12 months. –Compliance “outcome” is nF+F. Original study found significant effect of dF, but wanted to address the issue of compliance
Using Compliance Data
So, now what? How can we use the compliance information in assessing efficacy? Think of a regression approach: Pocock et al.
How to understand the equation: dF: Placebo :
What does this tell us? It helps understand the mechanism Model makes certain assumptions –“Linear” change in weight loss – Placebo treated are “like” dF treated patients But, we can make useful inferences Missing data???
Other compliance approaches Pill counts –Pros Easy and non-invasive approach Can ‘blind’ the patients –Cons Easy for patient to pretend (by getting rid of pills) Compliance may vary Patient may take many pills just prior to visit “Mems caps”: Medication Event Monitoring System Diaries: interesting mechanism that not only ‘records’, but also might change the behavior.
Pill Counts in Obesity Study
Broader Issue Confounding? compliance treatment outcome Compliance associated with treatment. Compliance associated with outcome. Treatment associated with outcome???? ?
Why then perform ITT and ignore compliance? First, compliance is hard to measure Second, we don’t want to make inferences where we have to ‘condition’ on compliance. Third, and most importantly, it is a mistake to adjust for something that is related to treatment (e.g. compliance)! Recall “causal pathway” idea. compliance treatment outcome
What if compliance is not related to treatment? No longer have confounding! compliance treatment outcome
Notice directionality of arrows compliance treatment outcome compliance treatment outcome ? Compliance is on causal pathway between treatment and outcome. Compliance is NOT on causal pathway. What could give rise to this figure? If treatment can be self-selected, non-compliers might choose different treatment. CONFOUNDING!
Broader Issue: Adjustment My favorite confounding example Observational study of the effects of coffee on lung cancer coffee cancer smoking associated with coffee. smoking associated with cancer. But, coffee NOT associated with cancer. smoking ?
What if? What if coffee consumption was causally associated with smoking (i.e. coffee causes smoking?) coffee cancer coffee causes smoking. smoking causes cancer. Does coffee cause cancer? smoking ?
Adjustment Attempt to remove effect of differences in baseline composition of groups on the outcome of interest. Analytic procedure Only for observational studies? –No: randomized studies might have imbalance that can be adjusted How to adjust? –stratification or subgroup analyses –regression approaches (e.g. linear or logistic regression) Adjustment factors SHOULD be measured prior to treatment assignment Do not want to adjust for factors that are a result of protocol!