What happened ? Why ? 6 people were selected to go through the peer pressure test, they told 5 of them to answer wrong for all question, so they can see the one man which is lift will be affected by their answers or not. The results showed that his answers were same as the rest members because he went through the peer pressure. Moreover, when the tested man heard a different answer he got the courage to answer differently which clearly showed that the peer pressure was reduced when he found someone to support him.
Why do people give in to peer pressure? Some people give into peer pressure because they want to be along with their beloved once, so they don’t make fun of them if they don’t get along with the group. Another type of people go along because of their curiosity to try new things that others are doing. Peer Pressure can affect some people were they might leave their point of view which could be right behind.
Can you think of any examples of peer pressure from you school days? I have been through this all the time during my high school regarding Mathematics and Statistics classes, were my friends used to say its hard and we cant understand, I used to know most of the answers but because of them I used to panic and hesitate a lot while giving answers.
What do you think? &feature=related &feature=related I believe that people should take action rather than following what rest are doing, have courage to decide and take the step, but in this video its showing that the person who's laying on the ground needs help and no one is giving him any attention, they are just walking because no one took the step and tried to help him and everyone who passed were waiting that one of them start to help so they can do the same.
Exercise In teams, give an example of where you were under, witnessed or you practiced peer pressure. Most of the time when we have an exam if some students wanted to delay the exam the rest will decide to delay it as well because of them being worried.