Guam Center for Green Technology - UVI 14 June 2010 Kao CONFIDENTIAL – Progress – Not for Distribution THE CARIBBEAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY CENTER UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 1 Fostering research interest, interdisciplinary investigation and education in the field of sustainability. Promoting community outreach and supporting the adoption of appropriate technology… CARIBBEAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY CENTER, UVI. 1
Vision: That the Caribbean Green Technology Center would serve as a vibrant intellectual hub for learning, networking and innovation in and across the Caribbean, in all areas pertaining to green technology. Mission: To foster research, education and public service on sustainability, to promote Caribbean inter-Islands’ cooperation, to advance interdisciplinary investigations and learning, to collaborate with governmental agencies and industry partners and to research, develop, demonstrate and monitor green technology.
Guam Center for Green Technology - UVI 14 June 2010 Kao CONFIDENTIAL – Progress – Not for Distribution THE CARIBBEAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY CENTER UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 3 Research and Development Education and Outreach Workforce Development Demonstration Project CARIBBEAN GREEN TECHNOLOGY CENTER, UVI. 3
Why Islands? Islands are often highly dependent on fossil fuels for electricity and transportation and often have very high retail electricity rates Islands often have abundant renewable resources and small populations, so are ideal places to showcase the potential of renewable energy penetration Islands are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise and greater severity and frequency of hurricanes EDIN is an international partnership between USA, New Zealand, and Iceland.
USVI PILOT PROJECT, April 2009: A collaboration between USVI, DOE, and DOI to establish an aggressive renewable energy deployment strategy for the islands that includes transportation, electricity generation and transmission, energy efficiency, and tourism and industry
USVI’s Vision is supported by an Integrated Strategy Approach
Partners of C.G.T.C Brookhaven National Lab National Renewable Energy Lab St. Dennis Group (GROTTO) University of California-Berkley University of the West Indies (in progress) Energy Development in Island Nations (EDIN)