Malaysia Industrial Hygiene Association (MIHA)
What is MIHA? MIHA (Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association) Non-profit professional organization founded in May Promote the field of Industrial Hygiene, provide education and training, forums for the exchange of ideas and information plus represent the interests of Industrial Hygienists An affiliate member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) in pursuit of international recognition and standing.
Who are MIIHA members? Currently, MIHA members comprise of full, associate, organizational and student members with a good mix of experience and expertise. These include: Certified Industrial Hygienists Industrial Hygienists Safety & Health Officers Engineer Chemist
Vision MIHA is gearing towards achieving and maintaining the highest standards of Industrial Hygiene via overseeing and professionally certifying Malaysia Industrial Hygienist. MIHA also promote certification by awarding certification points through a variety of MIHA and associated programmers
Mision Promote the anticipation, identification, evaluation, and control of environmental factors Increase the knowledge of Industrial Hygiene To promote the profession through encouragement of interest To collect and make accessible to all who engaged in Industrial Hygiene To contribute knowledge and expertise to needful organizations and industries where appropriate To promote the professional field of Industrial Hygiene via providing education and training
Trainings provided Guidelines On The Use Of PPE Against Chemical Hazards Course Fundamentals Of Industrial Hygiene Course Indoor Air Quality Course (Implementing Industry Code Of Practice On IAQ) Awareness Indoor AIr Quaility Course(Implementing Industry Code Of Practice On IAQ)Workshop IOHA International Scientific Conference Fundamental Of Industrial Hygiene Course Chemical Health Risk Assessment Refresher Course