Follow these method to pay the fee on line. Step 1: open your internet browser
Step 2: Go to the link :
Step 3: Enter the admission number of our ward. Enter Admission No.
Step 4:Select PUNE as Region
Step 5:Select ARMY AREA PUNE as School
Step 6:Select class as “Studying Class”
Step 7: Click Continue Click
Step 8: Payment Challan Page will be generated.
Step 9: Here You will get an option to pay by Online challan or Pay by e-banking.
If you option is PAY BY CHALLAN then print the challan and go to any union bank of India branch & deposit the CASH.
If you option is PAY BY E-Banking then you should have username and password .
The password and username can be generated if you are having an account with Union Bank of India & an ATM . Follow the next step to get your username and password .
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Union bank of India.
Step2:Click to the link under Quick Links: “Register for NEFT Payment through ATM” Click this link…
Step3: You will get this page
Step3: Click on new user- Register here
Step4:Register yourself with your details.
Step5: You will get your username and password in your email account.
Enter your username and password .
Follow the steps after login till you get the receipt of the payment. Print the receipt and summit to the vidyalaya.
Thank You Arun Kumar Choudhary PGT Comp Sci. K.V. Army Area Pune