Matt Mauro MD ABR Trustee APDR
Approval of ABMS and ACGME Program requirements Accredited programs Certifying examinations MOC program 2
SIR proposed primary IR certification to ABR 2007 IR fundamentally different than DR Need different way of training with additional clinical skills Reworked proposal - dual certification in IR/DR 3
ABMS approved concept of IR as separate specialty, Sept 2012 Rarionale: domain of IR has expanded and can’t gain technical expertise in 1 year. Also includes clinical care 5 + years of work Process originated from SIR; ABR approved and presented plan to ABMS Required phase-out of SS certification (only one pathway to certification) 4
What is the IR/DR Certificate? Specialty status to IR recognizes IR/DR as a unique specialty in medicine. ABMS acknowledged the role of IRs as imagers, proceduralists and clinicians. ABR will issue a new certificate – certifying that an IR practitioner is competent in these areas of expertise. Transition IR training programs will change. ACGME is in the process of establishing a new IR Residency – distinct from DR. Timeline for transition
ACGME approved IR as a new specialty – 2013 Program Requirements Written by sub-committee of R-RRC COMPLETED Placed in appropriate format NOW 45 Day comment period Reviewed by Committee on Requirements Hope to have PR accepted by ACGME by 3 rd quarter 2014 Then programs can apply –need site visit ?begin
Integrated (5 year) and Independent (2 year) options Match from medical school, transfer from DR More IR training: 2 years (minimum 1 year, 9 rotations) - More emphasis on clinical care.-.- 7
Eventually there will be only one certificate – IR/DR Certificate 2017 seamless transition to IR/DR certificate thru MOC process. Those with IR CAQ will be grandfathered in. 8
6 year program: Integrated Program 1 year clinical 3 years DR (including some IR) – same as DR residents 2 years IR (including critical care, in-patient consults/followup clinics + up to 4 mo DR) Institution can have independent (2 years) and/or integrated (5 years) programs. 9
10 General scheme of program requirements: Integrated Program YearCURRENT IR residency PGY 1 InternshipInternship PGY 2 DRDR PGY 3 DRDR PGY 4 DRDR PGY 5 DRIR PGY 6 IRIR
IR= IR or IR related Must participate in OP clinics DR months in PGY5 as necessary (Nuc Med, breast imaging) Required ICU/critical care Completion of training - need 1000 IR procedures 11
Two Year Program 1 st year 12 IR Rotations; 1 ICU Rotation 2 nd year13 IR Rotations Candidates enter AFTER completing full DR Residency Candidate may receive credit for 1 st year IR if they had 12 rotations of IR and > 500 cases in residency 12
Can transfer within same institution anytime Can transfer to program outside of institution only after finishing DR residency Fellowships will have to phase out 5-7 years after IR residency begins in an institution 13
Would attain IR/DR certification Likely plan Core exam at 36 months of DR with peers Essentials/NIS modules of Certifying exam + Oral exam 3 months after finishing residency (ie with peers) Grandfathering for those with VIR SS certificates VIR SS certification to phase out after 5-7 years 14
PR’s not yet approved---but CLOSE Don’t know exact timeline for implementation For now, if interested in IR, should take IR fellowship 15
Multiple entry points, R2-R5 PGY 5 call not specified – up to program (ie could be DR or IR) Separate PD for program – but DR PD could be Associate for first three years 16
2014 – program requirements approved by ACGME Includes approval by DR RRC (DONE), 45 day public comment period, approval by Committee on Requirements and BOD 2015 – First residency applications Must have site visit since new core program 17
2016 – First program approvals First graduates could be 2017 2022 – end of 1 year fellowships 18
Core exam Same exam as DR residents Same time period (ie in 36 th month) Certification exam: 2 Computer Modules: Essentials, NIS Oral exam 19
First exams likely given 2017 IR SS certificates will be given IR/DR certificates if MOC requirements up to date Likely require PQI project in IR 20
Now have three IR trustees Jeanne LaBerge Matt Mauro John Kaufman, trustee designate IR is one of 4 disciplines in ABR DR RO MP IR 21