Raspberry Pi Training Truman College
Goals of our Training Today Unbox and boot up the Raspberry Pi (RPi) Learn how to access the desktop graphical user interface (GUI) Find the IP address for the RPi. Access the RPi from another PC using PuTTY or the Mac’s Command Line Use the terminal to load and run some simple programs. Minecraft & Minecraft Hide and Seek Learn to make the RPi a local web server. See information being uploaded to it. Learn to make increased use of the STEM Academy – Element14. Additional Resources
I want…and designing a need or a project. Open source hardware and software gives you a wide range of possibilities for potential projects. As a teacher, what kind of projects makes sense? Will several students work on one device, or will I need several? How does this relate to my educational goals? Is this work that doesn’t need to get done? (work for the sake of work) Relation to the NGSS – Engineering Practices
I want a desktop internet radio I like radio. I like radio outside of Chicago. I don’t like needing a computer to do it. URLs Streaming windows No easy control over volume I want a desktop device that will scan through pre-set internet radio stations.
Turning on your Pi Go through set up Username – pi (default) Password – raspberry (default) Access the desktop – startx
Find the IP Address of your RPi In the Command line type sudo ifconfig Make note of the IP address ( ) Knowing the IP address makes it possible for you to be able to control your computer from any other computer on the same network through a secure shell (SSH) or Putty.
Minecraft Double click on the Minecraft Icon Open Terminal Type sudo apt-get install git-core (installs git core) cd~ (returns you to your home directory) git clone (downloads the program) ls (list the contents of your new folder) cd minecraft-hs (open folders) python minecraft-hs.py (starts the program)
Making a Local Web Server | Apache In the terminal type: sudo apt-get install apache2 Open a web browser Go to or You should see a page saying, “It Works!” In the terminal type cd /var/www (changes your directory to the var/www folder) ls (lists the items in your director) sudo nano index.html (opens the index.html file with the nano program)
Glow Stick Results - Photoresistor
Some Projects You Will Need to Try No additional Circuits Required Making a Local Web Server – Use the RPi to host a website locally in your classroom. Making a Local Web Server Universal Translator – Using the RPi and a USB headset to make a program that translates between two languages. Universal Translator Pi Minecraft – Load Minecraft and manipulate the game’s code to customize the game. Pi Minecraft Additional Sensor/Circuits Required Temperature Sensors – Use the RPi to collect temperature information. Temperature Sensors Photography – Use a camera board to take time lapsed photos. Photography Adafruit Make Magazine RaspberryPi.org STEM Academy