The Vikings By Hannah Robinson
Who were the Vikings? The Vikings were people who lived thousands of years ago. They came from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. These three countries were commonly known as Scandinavia. Some of the Vikings would go to different countries to raid, some to settle. Most Vikings moved because the farming land they had was not in very good condition.
Homeland Double click to hear the sound
Clothes Like most people in Europe at the time, the Vikings used wool more than anything else for making clothes. The Vikings brought sheep with them to the islands they settled in the North Atlantic for wool and meat. Clothes were spun and woven by the women. They also dyed their clothes with mineral and vegetable dyes of red, green, yellow, brown or blue. hppt://
Men and Women Most Viking men were all-round handymen. But some had special skills like building boats, potters and leather-workers. The women baked bread and made the clothes for the family. They also made the two meals and milked the cows on the farm.
Children The babies of the family would have been given a little Thor’s-hammer charm to protect them from evil. A boy would have taken his fathers name as his last name. So Eric, son of Karl, became Eric Karlsson. A girl also would have taken her mother or grandmother’s name. Viking children did not go to school. They helped their parents at work, and learned Viking history, religion and law from spoken stories and songs, not from books. By 15 or 16 they were adult. It was common for a girl's father to choose her husband.
Food and drink The Viking’s main foods were meat of farm and wild animals, nuts and berries. They cooked the meat in a big stew pot. Fish and meat were dried out so they could be preserved. At a feast everyone drank ale or mead. This strong drink made of honey was drank out of wooden cups.
Weapons The Vikings were wildly feared for their strength and skill in battle and war. They used a vast majority of weapons and armour: swords, axes and spears were their main weapons. But some also used bows and daggers. Armour consisted of helmets, shields, and chain mail or leather tunics. They fought mostly on foot and used their ships mainly as a transport to the scene of battle.
Gods The Vikings called their gods Ases. The home of the Ases was a kind of heaven called Asgard. There was a a big house called Valhal and that is where the dead soldiers would meet. The enemies of Ases lived in Udgard.
Websites I used hppt:// hppt://
Evaluation I started off by looking for information on the Vikings. My choice of text suited the topic I was doing and also stood out. I didn’t have very many images but the images I used were appropriate for the slides. There weren’t many sounds in my powerpoint, but I did record myself speaking. I used lots of moving images because I thought it would make it more interesting. Bullet points I used the most. I used them because if you did a big long passage no one would want to read it. I was looking for primary 5-7 to watch my powerpoint. I was very happy with my final piece. I do feel I covered the topic as best I could because I had lots of slides that gave good information. I received positive feedback but the teacher told me I could have added more images and sounds. If I was to go back and start again I defiantly would of put more sound and images in. I might have put in more slides also, like Viking games, lifestyle, and a typical day.
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