What is an Electronic Portfolio? Commonly called eFolios or ePortfolios Serve as an electronic version of a portfolio: Educational accomplishments Employment Volunteer Experience Interests Honors and Awards Samples and Projects and more!
Why use an Electronic Portfolio? Easier to update and maintain Cheaper than printing (free) More accessible Commonly used Good networking tool Great job searching tool
What is eFolio? Electronic Portfolios for Minnesota Careers Educators Students
How do I get started? 1. Reflect: Reflect on what you’ve accomplished in school and in your career, and how it fits with your goals. 2. Collect: Collect the information for your electronic portfolio. 3. Select: Select those documents that are most pertinent to your goals and keep them handy as you work on your electronic portfolio. 4. Build: Build your site using the electronic portfolio tool. 5. Publish: Publish your portfolio. You can let others read all, or parts of, your site. Targeting is helpful if you have multiple skills and are open to a number of different employment options.
What do I include? Welcome Objective Resume Samples Awards and Honors Additional Education Information Volunteer and additional activities References* Letters of Recommendation Military Awards
Example: Felicia E. Chong
Where do I sign up? Click “Sign Up” on right menu Be sure to mark that you are a student and above 18 Follow the directions in the Click “Take a Tour” if you want more information about how to use the website Click “Gallery” in the top menu to view Student examples.
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