William Shakespeare born April.23,1564 William Shakespeare born April.23,1564 Parents John and Mary Arden Shakespeare Parents John and Mary Arden Shakespeare The 3 rd child to be born of 8 children The 3 rd child to be born of 8 children 4 sisters and 3 brothers 4 sisters and 3 brothers
There are no specific records of Shakespeare & his attendance at school. There are no specific records of Shakespeare & his attendance at school. Shakespeare left school and formal education when he was 14 in Shakespeare left school and formal education when he was 14 in He would have He would have attended King attended King Edward IV Edward IV Grammar School. Grammar School.
On November.27,1582 Shakespeare wed Anne Hathaway. On November.27,1582 Shakespeare wed Anne Hathaway. Shakespeare had 2 daughters and 1 boy. Shakespeare had 2 daughters and 1 boy. His son died at age 11 and his 2 daughters went away and married. His son died at age 11 and his 2 daughters went away and married.
One of the best known playwrights One of the best known playwrights He was also a poet. He was also a poet. He was an actor and shareholder in theatre. He was an actor and shareholder in theatre.
He was the writer of 154 sonnets. He was the writer of 154 sonnets. He wrote Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet and many other tragedies. He wrote Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet and many other tragedies. He wrote many narrative poems. He wrote many narrative poems.
No one really knows his actual birthday No one really knows his actual birthday Anne Hathaway was 8 years older. Anne Hathaway was 8 years older. Many Shakespeare life facts are of the unknown Many Shakespeare life facts are of the unknown
Shakespeare died April Shakespeare died April Shakespeare’s death is a mystery and is of the unknown. Shakespeare’s death is a mystery and is of the unknown. People say he died of a harsh fever that spread throughout the country. People say he died of a harsh fever that spread throughout the country.
In his will he assigned Judith most of his stuff In his will he assigned Judith most of his stuff He also gave his niece and his sister possession of what he had left. He also gave his niece and his sister possession of what he had left.
He is one of the most famous and prolific writers in English. He is one of the most famous and prolific writers in English. “To be-all and to end-all” courtesy of Shakespeare himself. “To be-all and to end-all” courtesy of Shakespeare himself.
Biography." Shakespeare Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar Biography." Shakespeare Resource Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar "Shakespeare's Biography: Information on Shakespeare's Parents, Siblings, Career as Actor, Children, Marriage, Death, Will, Influence, and Much More." Shakespeare Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar "Shakespeare's Biography: Information on Shakespeare's Parents, Siblings, Career as Actor, Children, Marriage, Death, Will, Influence, and Much More." Shakespeare Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar "The Education of William Shakespeare." William Shakespeare Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar "The Education of William Shakespeare." William Shakespeare Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar Images from google. Images from google.