Weather Grade 4/5 Science
Outcomes Earth and Space Science: Weather Measuring and Describing Weather 1. identify and use weather-related folklore to predict weather 2. using correct names of weather instruments, construct and use instruments to record temperature, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation 3. identify, classify, and compare clouds
Introduction I know you all love working on the computers and the Internet so today during our Science Weather class we will be completing a Web Quest! You will be learning all about weather folklore, exploring different weather instruments, identifying, and comparing clouds and so much more! Be sure to read all of the instructions, have fun and let’s get started!
Task You will be finding information on the Internet using various websites provided to gain information that you may not already know and to answer questions that are provided.
Process In each of the three assignments provided you will find questions that need to be answered. Also in each assignment you will see links to website that you can explore and find the answers to the questions. Complete all questions in your science binder. Have fun on your quest!
Weather Folklore Questions Using the links provided, answer the following questions in your science scribbler. 1.According to weather folklore, what happens if a crow flies low? 2.How can an onion skin help predict the winter weather? 3.Describe a rainbow related weather folklore. 4.If a cricket chirps 16 times in 14 seconds, what is the temperature in Fahrenheit? 5.Describe in your own words why the folklore, “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.” 6.List 3 things you discovered or found interesting after watching Mari and Lindsey’s video.
Assignment #1 Weather Folklore Links Weather Wiz Kids Weather Folklore and Sayings PBS: Mari and Lindsey Video
Assignment #1 Weather Folklore Tracking Sheet Copy the tracking sheet below into your science binder including a title that describes the weather folklore you are tracking. Take note daily whether or not the weather folklore you have chosen to track is accurate. DateTrueFalseBrief description of the daily conditions
Assignment 1 Continued Using the links provided read through all of the different weather folklore sayings. Choose one that you like the best and illustrate it.
Assignment #2 Weather Instruments 1.What is a thermometer? 2.What does a barometer measure? 3.What are weather maps used for? Who would use them? 4. What does an anemometer measure? 5.What is a weather balloon used for? 6.What are weather satellites?
Assignment #2 Links Weather Wiz Kids - Instruments
Assignment #3 Clouds 1. Why are clouds white? 2. Why do clouds turn grey? 3. Explain how clouds are formed. 4. Name the different types of clouds.
Assignment #3 Clouds Links Weather Wiz Kids - Clouds Clouds Cloud Formation
Assessment 4 Demonstrates thorough understanding of the outcomes addressed. 3 Demonstrates understanding of most of the outcomes addressed. 2 Demonstrates some understanding of the outcomes addressed. 1 Demonstrates understanding of few of the outcomes addressed.
Wonderful Work Wacky Weather Watchers!