Standards 5a. Students know how differential heating of Earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute heat. 6a. Students know weather and climate involve the transfer of energy into and out of the atmosphere Objective 1Describe cold and warm air masses and fronts. Objective 2Describe hurricanes and tornadoes. Objective 3Understand how to read a weather map. Objective 4List tools meteorologists use and what they are for. AssessmentChapter Test ReviewDaily Bellwork, Science Starters, Standards Practice Chapter 24 Weather
Vocabulary Create flashcards for the following words: o Air mass o Cold front o Warm front o Stationary front o Occluded front o thunderstorm o Hurricane o Tornado o Thermometer o Barometer o Anemoter o Radiosonde o radar
Brainpop Weather!
Air Masses AIR MASS= large body of air throughout which temp. and moisture are similar 4 types: ContinentalMaritime Tropical Polar
Fronts FRONTS= the boundary of an air mass when 2 air masses of different temps/moisture collide COLD FRONT= when a cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass. If the warm air is moist, clouds will form and thunderstorms will result. WARM FRONT= when a cold air mass leaves, a warm front moves in. Results in precipitation over a large area. OCCLUDED FRONT=fast moving cold air mass lifts warm air off the ground
Severe Weather Tornadoes Rotating column of air with high winds Forms when a thunderstorm meets high altitude horizontal winds Thunderstorms Rain, thunder, lightning, strong winds Lightning=cloud s discharging electricity. Noise is Thunder. Hurricanes Develop over warm oceans Most dangerous part of hurricane is STORM SURGE; rising sea level and large waves
Brainpop! Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Hurricanes!
Weather Maps
Isobars Lines that connect points of equal atmospheric pressure
Isotherms Lines that connect points of equal temperature
Weather Instruments/INTERACTIVE Fill in the chart… Name of InstrumentWhat does it do?Other Thermometer3 types: Barometer Anenometer Radiosonde Radar Doppler RadarWhat is the difference between Radar and Doppler Radar?