Resource Placement and Assignment in Distributed Network Topologies Accepted to: INFOCOM 2013 Yuval Rochman, Hanoch Levy, Eli Brosh
Motivation: Video-on-Demand service Video-on-Demand (VoD) internet service Large collection of movies Highly-variable Geo-distributed demand Use Content Distribution Network 2 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Motivation: Content Distribution Network Multi-region server structure (e.g., terminal based service, cloud) Service costs: intra-region < inter-region < central 3 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Intra-region Low cost Inter-region Medium cost Central High cost Region 2 Central video server Region 1 User terminals - demand Request type Disk
System and Objective Players: users + content servers (local, central) Objective: Reduce service costs Replicating content at regions 4 Central video server Region 1 Region 2 User terminals - demand Low cost Medium cost High cost Problem: Which movies to place where? Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Tewari & Kleinrock [2006] Proposed the Proportional Mean Replication. Zhou, Fu & Chiu [ 2011] Proposed the RLB (Random with Load Balancing) Replication. Related Work 5 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
The Multi-Region Placement Problem 6 Available resource Local storage Input: Region j storage size: S j Stochastic demand distribution N i j, random variable. Service costs Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 S 1 =4 S 2 =2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pr(N 1 1 <=x) Pr(N 2 1 <=x) Pr(N 1 2 <=x)Pr(N 2 2 <=x) ? ? ? ? Stochastic demand E.g., high-variability, correlated Local < Remote < Server
Pr(N 1 1 <=x) Pr(N 2 1 <=x) Pr(N 1 2 <=x)Pr(N 2 2 <=x) S 1 =4 The Multi-Region Placement Problem 7 Local < Remote < Server Input: Storage S j, demand N i j, service costs Allocation: Place resources at regions Cost of allocation: expected cost of optimal assignment (over all demand realizations) Goal: find allocation with minimal cost Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Actual demand S 2 =2 ? ? ? ? Stochastic demand Available resource ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Local storage
Challenge and principles Challenge: Combinatorial problem based on multi- dimensional stochastic variables Keys of solution: Semi-Separability, Concavity, Reduction to Min-cost Flow problem. 8 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Local storage S 1 =4 S 2 =2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pr(N 1 1 <=x) Pr(N 2 1 <=x) Pr(N 1 2 <=x)Pr(N 2 2 <=x) ? ? ? ? Stochastic demand Available resource Exponential number of allocations Large database!
Single Region: Matching Demand realization to resources Observed Demand Resources A profit formula! 9 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Single region: Revenue Formulation Lemma: optimal matching maximizes revenue of a realization 10 Random Demand Type-i replicas Hence: we have to maximize For any placement and demand Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Multi-Region: Matching Match local first, then remote, then server. 11 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Available resource
Multi-Region: Revenue formulation Thm: maximize revenue to find opt placement {L i j } : Local revenue Global revenue Type-i resources at region j 12 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Local=3 Global=4
Separability and semi-Separability Definition: function is separable iff Sum of separated marginal components Definition: function is semi-separable iff “Almost” separated components 13 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Where
Key 1: Revenue is Semi-separable Revenue function Revenue function is semi-separable. Sum of local replicas = # global replicas. 14 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Local replicas Global replicas
Key 2: Concavity Partial expectation Partial Expectations are concave! Cumulative(cdf) is monotonic Thus, Partial expectation is concave 15 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Tail formula:
Placement Optimization Problem 16 Find {L i j } allocation of type-i movie at region j ({L i j } ) maximizing: Under: capacity bound in each region Concave in placement vars {L i j } Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
The Multi-Region Problems 17 Symmetric bounded– QEST 2012, low complexity Greedy algorithm, max-percentile based Asymmetric bounded– INFOCOM 2013, higher complexity Reduction to min-cost flow problem Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Key 3: Min cost flow 18 Rochman, Levy, Brosh st 11/13 12/12 15/20 1/41/4 4/94/9 7/77/7 4/44/4 8/13 11/ Flow/Capacity 0 Weight April 2013 Flow value Flow weight (cost)
The Min-Cost Flow Problem 19Rochman, Levy, Brosh Input: A positive capacity function C on the edges, C: E R + A positive weight function W on the edges, W: E R + Required Flow value r Output: : an s-t flow f, with flow value= r, which minimizes weight Σf(e) W(e). st 11/13 15/20 1/41/4 4/94/9 7/77/7 4/44/4 8/13 11/ /12 April 2013
Main theorem 20Rochman, Levy, Brosh Theorem : Assume: - concave & semi-separable Then, there is effective solution for Solution uses min cost flow algorithm On 7-layer graph! Correctness at the paper. April 2013
7-layer graph: Local part S Region 21 Region, Movie type Region, Movie, # replicas Capacity, Weight Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Capacity of region Local weight
7-layer graph: Global part t Region, Movie type, # items Movie type, # items Movie type 22 April 2013 Rochman, Levy, Brosh Global weight
Min-Cost Flows Standard solution to min-cost flow using Successive Shortest Path (SSP). Complexity of SSP (standard solution) is s= total storage in the system k= # regions m= # movie types High complexity! 23Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Other proposed algorithms Bipartite algorithm (INFOCOM 2013) in complexity of (instead of ) Idea: use only Region and movie type nodes Clique algorithm -complexity of Online algorithm. 24Rochman, Levy, Brosh s= total storage in the system k= # regions m= # movie types April 2013
Conclusions Algorithms for resource placement and assignment Geared for distributed network settings Arbitrary demand pattern (e.g., highly-variable, correlated) Joint placement-assignment problem Multi-dimensional stochastic demand New solution techniques 25 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Questions? 26Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
An alternative allocation: Proportional mean Allocate movies proportion to mean of distribution How good are the results? 27 Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013
Two resource-types. Single region, capacity n Proportional Mean: Expected profit= 2*n/(k+1) Optimal allocation: n replicas to red. Expected profit=n. Proportional Mean Not optimal n Pr(N=x) 1-1/k 1/k nk 2 x= Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 demand
Reduction to single region S t.... Capacity, Weight Movie typeMovie type, # replicas 29Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 Flow value= s
Convert max to min Correctness 30Rochman, Levy, Brosh Original New If solution is April 2013
Correctness S t.... Capacity, Weight Movie type, # replicas 31Rochman, Levy, Brosh April 2013 < < Concavity! <
Reduction to multi region 32Rochman, Levy, Brosh Convert max to min: Global Local April 2013 Semi-Separability!