Composition Journals
Requirements: 1 page (10 points) Less than half =(0 points) Journal Prompt #1 What affects the choices we make? What can we learn from the choices made by others? Thoroughly explain Or FREE WRITE- What is on your mind or what is consuming your thoughts as of recent? Thoroughly explain. Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Requirements: 1 page (10 points) Less than half =(0 points) Journal Prompt #2 “Who am I?” is a question we all ask at some time in our lives. It is an especially critical question for adolescents. As we search for answers we begin to define ourselves. How is our identity formed? To what extent are we defined by our talents and interests? by our membership in a particular ethnic group? by our social and economic class? by our religion? by the nation in which we live? OR FREE WRITE- What is on your mind or what is consuming your thoughts as of recent? Thoroughly explain. Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Requirements: 1 page (10 points) Less than half =(0 points) Journal Prompt #3 PROMPT- Explain how crisis can build community. Think about your friends, your community and the world at large. Please provide examples of any or all of the above. OR FREE WRITE-What is on your mind or what is consuming your thoughts as of recent? Thoroughly explain. Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Requirements: 1 page (10 points) Less than half =(0 points) Journal Prompt #4 PROMPT- Explain how you are or can make a positive impact as an active member of the Los Gatos High School community. Give examples please. OR FREE WRITE-What is on your mind or what is consuming your thoughts as of recent? Thoroughly explain. Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Requirements: 1 page (10 points) Less than half =(0 points) Journal Prompt #5 PROMPT- In keeping with the idea of a “Garden” as a metaphor for gratitude. Dedicate a flower, clarify what kind, to someone who has helped you grow. Who is that person and how have they helped cultivate who you are today? Explain what you are grateful for and why? NO FREE WRITE TODAY! Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Journal Prompt #6-October 7, 2014 PROMPT- What pressures from the outside world are keeping you from achieving “golden” potential? What prevents us from keeping that childlike belief that we can be whatever we want, do whatever we can dream up, and have limitless potential? What are you doing to find your own path? NO FREE WRITE TODAY! Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Requirements: 1 page (10 points) Journal Topic #7 “The gift was especially important to me, though, because tigers are strong and stand up for themselves. To me that tiger meant hope. That tiny stuffed toy represented a better future. I still have it because the gift and what it stood for mean something to me then. And you know what? It still does” (Hall 90). What gift have you received that holds sentimental value? What is the object, who gave it to you and why is it significant to you? What did it represent in your life then or to this day? If it was not a gift, then describe an object that you value that you own today. Explain its significance to you. It could be an award you received as well. NO FREE WRITE TODAY! Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)
Journal Topic #8 Imagine yourself at the age of 5, 8, 10 or even now… You find yourself standing in the front of your house looking through a window. Capture a moment in time. What do you see? What emotions do you experience? What story is being told? What event comes to mind? Tell that story as though you are an outside observer? NO FREE WRITE TODAY! Requirements: 1 page (10 points) ½ page (5 points) Less than half =(0 points)