How to setup VRT- 402N with MH-2001?
Outline Connections Topology VRT-402N setup MH-2001 setup
Connection Topology Tunneling
VRT-402 Setup In Security – VPN/ ISEC Add New Policy Key in MH- 2001’s WAN IP Address Key in MH- 2001’s LAN IP Subnet and the netmask Key in the pre-share key, example on “12….0” Select the rest configuration where should match to MH Confirm the settings Save Settings!!
MH-2001 Setup - 1/2 In Policy Object -> VPN ->IPSec Autokey Select New Entry Key in VRT-402N’s WAN port IP Address. Key in the pre-share key that match to VRT-402N Select the Phase 1, Phase 2 Parameters that exactly the same to VRT-402N Then, OK to apply this rule.
MH-2001 Setup - 2/2 In Policy Object -> VPN -> Tunnel Select New Entry Key in the local subnet and mask Key in the remote subnet and mask Select the IPSEC policy just inserted. And click on OK to apply. After the policy applied, the icon will shows the link stauts
Hint At MH-2001 –You can check the log to see the information, if you encounter some connection issues. Connection fail –For most of the time, IF you failed in the connection, it could be IP setup issues. Please do check: –Have you key in the correct WAN IP for both ends. –Have you key in the correct IP Subnet for both ends. –Have you choose the correct Encryption for both ends. Say, Phase 1, phase 2. This example also applies to: –SG-500, SG-1000, CS-1000, CS-2000