KM3Net Project 1
Broadcast Source code The customized SW for KM3net demonstrator is already in the repository. There is a Manual to start playing with it easily. Scripts to compile the code and configure the switch. Waiting for feedback from KM3net community 2
Pause Frame. We are working in the pause frame right now. The TX is ready (Level 1 switch). The Rx is specified (Broadcast switch). Here is where we are. 3
Pause Frame Who triggers the Tx Pause Frame? The Tx PF is sent by the WR Level 1. The Tx Pause frame follows this path: Level 1->Level 2->Broadcast->DOM 4
Pause Frame About Peter questions: Why are we using the endpoint Rx buffers? There is not a higher level queues? The usual packet path is EndpointX->SWCore->EndpointY. What does the SwCore include? A big multiport memory. Here all packets, which have an outport port assigned, wait. It is shared by all the ports. The real bottleneck is in the RxBuffer of the endpoints. At the RxBuffer, the packets which wait for an output port allocation wait. 5
Pause Frame Tx Pause Frame Coming out from the wr0 port of the Level 1 switch. We use as Dst Addr the “unique physical address associated” with the DOM. According to the standard. 6
Pause Frame How have we tested the Tx Pause frame? The jumbo frames do not trigger the Tx PF. Nevertheless, they are transmitted correctly. The high load between two ports does not trigger the Tx PF (900Mbps). Reducing the size of Rx Buffer just for test triggers the Tx PF. The Tx PF follows this path: » Level 1->Level 2->Broadcast->DOM Next tests: increase the number of chatty ports in a switch. 7
Pause Frame Rx Pause Frame (broadcast switch): We have interchanged some mails with Peter about this issue. Conclusions: The reception of a pause frame from the DOM side will halt the whole broadcast link for a quanta. There must be a list of faulty DOMs at the broadcast switch. If a DOM requests too many PFs its petitions should be ignored. 8
Pause Frame Rx Pause frame: So far we manage to reach the standard PF. Customization and tests for KM3Net switches are in process. e.g. ping halt between one PC (.10) and one SPEC (.20). Little cheat in the quanta (65535 ~ 4,23 sec). 9
General Questions. The size of the endpoint Rx buffers has been increased until 27KB (3 Jumbo frames). The PF quanta is up to (~ ms). Custom values are configured through WB registers: TX occupation trigger. Tx quanta. Time to refresh the faulty DOM Table. (Rx) 10
Customization of WR Switch KM3Net topology requires: Gateware/Firmware modifications: Broadcast implementation (TX to DOMs) Done and waiting for feedback from the KM3net community. Pause frame protocol Tx done and RX in progress. KM3Net demonstrator 3 network levels: o 2 SPECs as DOMs o 3 WR switches as ShoreStation network Done and available in KM3Net repository 11
(+34) (+34) C/Baza, parcela 19 Nave 3 \ P.I. Juncaril \ – PELIGROS – GRANADA - SPAIN QUESTIONS ? 12
Onshore Station: Broadcast 13 Step 1: Network Topology 13 Step 2: Broadcast implementation T 4, Ph MM T1T1 T1T1 Step 3: Transparent clock implementation (if req. are not met) RT 1 Ph MM,T 4 RT 2
Others future developments Integration of WR switch in the DU: WR switch Component modification: Commercial to Industrial components Switch cooling system: Active (by fan) to Passive cooling system WR switch with 20 port: Hardware modifications: Needs to be studied. FW/SW modifications. 10GB Ethernet in WR switch FW/SW modifications. 15