The Iraq War
Cost of War Initial deployment of troops: $9 billion to $13 billion Conducting the war: $6 billion to $9 billion per month Returning forces to US: $5 billion to $7 billion Temporary occupation of Iraq: $1 billion to $4 billion per month
Military Equipment Lost 80 M1 Abrams tanks 55 Bradley fighting vehicles 20 Stryker wheeled combat vehicles 20 M113 armored personnel carriers 250 Humvees 500+ Mine clearing vehicles, heavy/medium trucks, and trailers 10 Amphibious Assault Vehicles 109 Helicopters 18 Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Troop levels in Iraq
US Deaths in Iraq 3,542 in combat 4,477 killed in total 31,965 wounded
Works Cited White, Deborah. "Iraq War Facts, Statistics at September 30, Iraq War Casualties, Spending." Liberal & Progressive Politics & Perspectives. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov < "Estimated Costs of an Iraq War According to CBO." U.S. Government Info - Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov < "U.S. Casualties in Iraq." - Reliable Security Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov