European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Jacques Delsalle European Commission European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1 Further Development.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Jacques Delsalle European Commission European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1 Further Development and Application of the TREMOVE Transport Model WG Target Setting and Policy Assessment Brussels, 16 June 2004

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Objective of TREMOVE further development l TREMOVE model was developed for 2nd Auto-Oil Programme l It was assessed in 2001: recommended further development l Objective : Make available to the European Commission services a transport model m environmental and economic analysis, up to 2020 m different policies and measures to reduce the atmospheric emissions (incl. greenhouse gases) m all modes of transport (road, rail, aviation, maritime and inland waterways) m enlarged European Union (first step : 4 new M/S)

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Structure of TREMOVE 2

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe TREMOVE Development : project status l Lot 1 (2003) m Model design and preliminary baseline (2.0) completed by March 2004 (available on l Lot 2 (2004) m Baseline consistency checks with RAINS m Stakeholder Consultation on model and baseline r May : Transport demand and vehicle stock r 21 June : Emission Factors m Identification of emission reduction options m Model ready: Oct (revised baseline, all modules) l Lot 3 ( ) : Policy Simulations

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Tremove Contact Group l Lot 2: 3 meetings to discuss the baseline and the model structure l Ad-hoc Group of Experts, build for Tremove Assessment l 30/4/04 : Invitation sent to CAFE Baseline Stakeholder Group m Positive reply : 6 contributions so far m We need more! l A further meeting in autumn to discuss policy options and Lot 3 organisation.

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Consistency between TREMOVE and RAINS baselines up to 2020 l TREMOVE uses more detailed activity data than PRIMES / RAINS (through the European network model SCENES m TREMOVE and RAINS share common macro-economic assumptions. l While transport volume projections are close for road transport, non-road demand forecasts still deserve a further work (rail freight, maritime) l Fuel consumption 25% lower in TREMOVE by 2000 than PRIMES (and Eurostat) m gap increases by 2020 due to the large increase in diesel cars market share (while in PRIMES/RAINS the latter is constant between 2000 and 2020).

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Transport Demand : SCENES forecasts l SCENES : a clear improvement since TREMOVE 1.3 m get homogeneous forecasts for all countries and all modes m a complementary tool for policy simulation l Key issues m Constant user costs in real terms m Load factors / occupancy rates m Car ownership model in SCENES vs TREMOVE l Build a consistent baseline for SCENES m Take into account statistics existing forecasts m Inclusion of (official) national growth projections for its input assumptions (car ownership, level of user costs) m to C.A.F.E. Baseline Stakeholders Group (deadline 10/7/2004)

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Transport demand and Vehicle Stock modules l Utility trees : reconstitute SCENES Forecasts m Determination of elasticities of substitution m Some substitutions not allowed (e.g. short see shipping vs. rail or road) l Vehicle stock. Further improvements planned for version 2.2 (October 2004) m Load factors m Comparison with TRENDS (Eurostat) for diesel share m Limitation for growth diesel cars % : fuel production constraints, car market. No a-priori objective. m Rail : diesel vs. electric m Aviation, Maritime : constant vehicle stock structure

European Commission - DG Environment Clean Air for Europe Emission Factors l TREMOVE 2.1 to be delivered this week, including COPERT III emission factors (due to the delay of the ARTEMIS project) m To be discussed at Contact Group Meeting Monday 21st June l We are aware of the limitations of COPERT III m Fuel consumption : until Euro I only. Ad hoc modifications based on CO2&Cars Commission database m Real life vs. test cycle emissions (Nox HGV) m Artemis should be available by February 2005 and benefit from Cost-346 and handbook on emission factors for road transport 2.1 (DE, AT, CH). m If not, need to focus Lot 3 resources on improvement emission factors module