S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, R&D projects on rotating coil probe and stretched wire techniques for CLIC / PACMAN Stephan Russenschuck for the CERN magnet (measurement) -team CLIC workshop
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Rotating Coil Measurements Tangential coil Radial flux Radial coil Tangential flux
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Series Measurements of the LHC Magnets
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Standardized Equipment – Motor Drive Unit Drive unit for measurements in horizontal (rt) and vertical (cryogenic temp.) position
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Standardized Equipment – Rotating Coil Shafts Shaft for measurements in a vertical cryostat Shaft R=45 mm, coil length: 130 mm Shaft R=30 mm, coil length: 1200 mm
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Flexible Framework for Magnetic Measurements
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Rotating Coil Measurements
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, The Riemann Lebesque Lemma 8 The Fourier coefficients tend to zero as n goes to infinity (Riemann Lebesque) and they must scale according to the Cauchy theorem for bounded functions Simulations !
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Spread and Noise Floor in Measurements Compensated Noncompensated Radial axes displacement Torsional deformations Blind eye?
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Challenges – Sensitivity and tolerances on small shafts – Bucking ratio – Vibrations and noise – Calibration – Connection PACMAN R&D efforts – PCB technology for coils – Rapid prototyping for shaft – Micro-connectors – MRU-II (smaller, smoother) – In-situ calibration – “Intelligent” post-processing
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Architecture Stretched Wire Experimental Setup
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, The Single Stretched Wire Method
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Measurement system design Oscillating wireVibrating wire Map of Second Wire Resonance Wire Excitation Frequencies Stretched wire
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solenoid Center and Axis Force distribution requires vibration at the second resonance
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solenoid Center and Axis: Transversal Field Profiles Left: Perfectly aligned. Right: With swing Therefore: Switch to first resonance, and align (move) the magnet, not the stages
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solenoid Center: Oscillation Amplitudes Modulus At x sensor At y sensor For small displacements from the center, the B y component is a linear function in x
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Linear Regression in the Line Search Procedure
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Vibrating wire for magnetic axis Solenoid magnet Map of Second Wire Resonance Before alignmentAfter alignment
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Vibrating wire for magnetic axis Solenoid magnet Map of Second Wire Resonance (on 2 mm radius)
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solving Boundary Value Problems I 1. Governing equation in the air domain 2. Chose a suitable coordinate system, make a guess, look it up in a book, use the method of separation, that is, find orthogonal and complete eigenfunctions. Coefficients are not know at this stage 3. Incorporate a bit of knowledge, rename, and calculate field components
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solving Boundary Value Problems II 4. Measure or calculate the field (flux) on a reference radius and perform a discrete Fourier analysis (develop into the eigenfunctions). Coefficients are known here. 5: Compare the known and unknown coefficients 6. Put this into the original solution for the entire air domain
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solving the Boundary Value Problem Take any 2 periodic function and develop according to For the oscillating wire technique: Use the oscillating amplitudes measured at one position longitudinally as we move the wire such that they become the generators of a cylinder inside the magnet aperture
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Optical sensors Phototransistor Sharp GP1S094HCZ0F Response of the Phototransistors
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Use Wire Displacements Proposition: We are done if:
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solution of the Wave Equation (Assumptions)
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Use Wire Displacements
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solution of the Wave Equation (Steady State)
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Check 2: Numerical simulation (FDTD) and the Steady State Solution
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solution of the Wave Equation III Check: Known longitudinal field or oscillation profiles Ideas welcome on how to measure the longitudinal profile of the oscillation wire (30 phototransistors, inductive, capacitive)
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solution of the Wave Equation IV The slackline The hard-edge (model) magnet
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Test Cases Air coil: Academic worst case LEP-IL-QS The “blue” magnet
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, The Air Coil Longitudinal field distribution Longitudinal shape of the wire oscillation
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Convergence of the Modal Amplitude Functions
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Results for the Air Coil
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Results for the Blue Magnet
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Conclusion on the Wire Techniques The classical stretched wire technique is routinely used for axis and gradient measurements There is still a lot of potential in the oscillating wire technique Because we measure the oscillation amplitude only at one point, we make in intrinsic error caused by the varying end fields as we move along the circular trajectory – The method is exact for the hard-edge (model) magnet and consequently for small-aperture magnets excited by rare-earth material – There is an intrinsic error because we measure only one amplitude. This error can be estimated when the numerical model is available – Effects from stage misalignment are much larger than the intrinsic error – We would be exact if it was possible to measure the shape of the wire oscillation
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Solution of the Wave Equation (Recall)
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Longitudinal field Profiles Behavior around resonance frequencies
S. Russenschuck, CLIC-Workshop, WP2-Pacman, Challenges – Bandwidth of the system – Intrinsic error – Noise at 1 kHz – Nonlinearities in the physical model – Tilt and swing alignment of the quadrupole PACMAN R&D efforts – Measurement of oscillation profiles – New stages and wire tensioning systems – Fiducilization – Software framework (data and task manager) – “Intelligent” postprocessing (tension, multipoles) – String of magnets