Wrapping and Taping Obj: I will demonstrate proper wrapping technique for common injuries in athletics
What is wrong with this picture?
Examples of wrapping
Examples of wrapping
Discussion Questions Why would someone need to use an ace bandage? When wrapped correctly, what is the benefit to using an ace bandage? Rather than using an ace bandage, why would someone use a compression sleeve, get an area taped, or use a brace?
Performance Task Sports Med Olympics On teams, you will complete against each other wrapping various body parts. You will be graded based on speed, technique, and accurate support. A certified Athletic Trainer will serve as the judge of the Olympics.
Ace wrap: What is it and Benefit www.sportsmd.com An ace wrap is an elastic bandage that comes in different sizes. The wrap comes in a roll with metal clips, with tape to fasten it in place, or Velcro™ . The bandage may be from 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm) wide and 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 m) long. Elastic bandages can be bought at any medical supply or drug store. Your caregiver will help you choose the best bandage for you. Benefits of using an ace bandage An ace wrap puts gentle pressure on the tissue around an injury. The following are some benefits to using an ace wrap: To give support to an injured area To help reduce swelling of an injured area of the body. To hold wound bandages in place. To hold cold or hot packs in place on a body part, such as an arm.
Tips for safety and comfort www.sportsmd.com Do not wrap the bandage too tight because it may cut off blood flow. Overlap the bandage by half every wrap around To help with blood flow, take off the bandage 2 times a day if okay with your caregiver. Leave it off for a few minutes and wrap it again. If the part of your body with the ace wrap feels numb or tingling, remove the bandage. Gently rub the area. Rewrap the bandage when the area feels better. If the part of your body with the ace wrap becomes cold or turns blue, remove the bandage. You may want to have an extra ace wrap. This will let you wash one when it gets dirty and have another ace wrap to use
Let’s Start Wrapping Expectations: Respect bandage and clasps Respect classmate who you are wrapping Ask for help if you need assistance Format: Watch athletic trainer demonstrate proper technique Watch same video and fill in guided notes Practice on partner with video to guide you Practice without video Self assess and partner assess then discuss Switch and Partner Practice Partner: practice with video then without video Self-assess and partner assess then discuss
Wrist Wrap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk-y9iKKG5I Welcome Sunshine with Sunshine Safety! The wrist should be in a ____________ position. Start ____________ the site of the injury. Include the ___________ by wrapping in the space between the thumb and pointer finger. Ask the person to ____________ their fingers to make sure it is not too tight.
Elbow wrap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdgBI7vOueg Welcome Mr. Liscombe, professor and athletic trainer! Begin _________ and move proximal Overlap by ___________ Make sure to cover the elbow End on the _______________ muscle
Ankle Wrap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fKvpqy_gWk Welcome Athletic Trainer John! Start ___________ (at the toes) and work your way proximal Start ___________ wrapping towards the midline or big toe Do two wraps then a figure 8 Do two wraps to cover heel Do another figure 8 End on the lateral side of the lower leg and clasp
Knee Wrap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gcFHn2JxXU Welcome Dr. Gonzalez! Start at __________ point of leg/knee The midway point of the ace wrap should line up with the ______________ To start go around the knee ________ times Then go above the knee at a diagonal and figure 8 to below the knee Continue with figure 8 and then clasp
Shoulder Wrap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AeH62ERnQs Welcome Athletic Trainer Scott! Start with hand on hip in a __________ position Start at the ____________ and wrap 2 times around Go over the deltoid and across the ____________ Do a ___________ pattern around the shoulder and bicep Go slightly more over the shoulder and repeat across chest and figure 8 Wrap around the bicep until the end and clasp
Thigh Wrap (hamstring and Quadricep) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSIIjax1lUo Welcome Mr. Liscombe, professor and athletic trainer! Athlete should flex at the ___________ and raise heel off ground Start ______________ and move proximal Go around the leg making a series of up and down movements End proximal
Groin Wrap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvPclt4iYzM Welcome Kirk Stevenson, assistant athletic therapist! Step forward with foot of injured side Turn foot _____________ Elevate _______________ Keep hips facing forward Begin wrapping at the thigh moving medial Do a couple of wraps around the thigh Then wrap across the lower abdomen and around the back then around the thigh in a figure 8 pattern Repeat Figure 8s and end at the ________________
Hip Flexor Wrap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dAx4vnWdgg Welcome Mr. Jones, professor and athletic trainer! Start with slight hip flexor, leg slightly forward, and heel up Start high on ________________ muscle Start wrapping moving laterally around upper thigh Do a couple of wraps around thigh then wrap medially to laterally across hip flexor and around back then waist and figure 8 around thigh Repeat Figure 8 and end at thigh
Wrapping Injuries Movie Within your team of 3, create a movie for each injuries. Make sure to verbally say the steps as you demonstrate the wrap. Follow the expectations on the assignment.
Quiz As a team of two, complete the following tasks for each body part: In order, align the steps for each injuries and paste them onto the pink paper Each person wraps body part (can use steps if needed) Other groups, review ankle wrap and work on wrist wrap until called. With Ipad, youtube SportSmart: Athletic Taping-wrist Watch video several times and practice Follow steps on notes
TAPING Materials Needed: Sock Pre-wrap Tape Tape scissors
See Ankle Taping Flow Chart Ankle Tape See Ankle Taping Flow Chart
Wrist Tape to Prevent Flexion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DUhP8_KkG0 (SportSmart: Athletic Taping-wrist) Hand in position to shake someone’s hand Pre-wrap lower arm, wrist and between thumb and pointer finger Apply 3 anchor strips down arm to wrist (angle at wrist) Apply1 anchor strip on hand (finger wide) and around to wrist (start at pinkie, go over back of hand and around palm, and around at base of thumb and end on palm at pinkie) Extend wrist and tape in that position Place 1 strip in middle on back of hand (with good tension) Place strip from pinkie to base of thumb diagonally Place strip from base of pointer to pinkie Repeat 3 strips (do an addition 3 strips if needed) Finish with anchor strips
Finger Tape