Anchor – anything which makes stable or secure, anything which is depended upon for support or security Butterfly – strips of tape that overlaps, as in x pattern Cast – to produce a specific form by puring material (metal, plaster,etc.) into a prepared mold Check Rein – reinforced tape to prevent movement
Collateral – meaning side, lateral and medial Compression – the act of applying pressure to an organ. Diagonally – a slanted or oblique direction Diamond Shape – an object that is in the shape of two equilateral triangles placed base to base Extension Wrap – a wrap used to assist in the extension of a specific joint.
Figure of Eight – the bandaging of a joint where the initial turn circles the one part of the joint and the second turn circles the adjoining part of the joint to form a figure of eight. Flexion wrap – a wrap used to assist in the flexion of that joint Horizontal strip – a strip which is place level with the horizon, opposed to vertical strip
Horseshoe – padding made to resemble the U shape Hot spot – early redness of the skin from friction that leads to a blister formation if preventive measures are not taken Muscle contracted – the shortening of the muscle P.R.I.C.E.S – protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation, and support
Pad support – a pad placed in a certain area to sustain, hold up or maintain a desired position. Prophylactic – denoting something that is preventative or protective. Shorten the angle of pull – decreasing the range of motion of a joint Spica wrap – a figure eight bandage that generally overlaps the previous to form V like designs.
Spiral – applying a bandage around a limb that ascends the body part overlapping the previous bandage Stirrup – any U shaped loop or piece Support – to sustain hold up or maintain a desired position Swelling – an increae in size of an area due to an increase in fluid
Tape mass – adhesive applied to the cloth comprised of natural synthetic, zinc oxide, etc. Vertical strip – a strip that is placed perpendicular to the line of the horizon, opposed to horizontal strip X-pattern – the crossing of two pieces of tape in the shape of an X