IPM Florida, the UF, IFAS Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program Norm Leppla UF, IFAS, Program Director, IPM
IPM Florida provides statewide, interdisciplinary and inter-unit coordination and assistance for UF, IFAS integrated pest management research, extension and education faculty
IPM Florida Projects Introduction to IPM Definition of IPM Definition of IPM IPM Tactics IPM Tactics IPM Practices IPM Practices IPM Florida Direction IPM Coordination IPM Coordination IPM Extension Survey IPM Extension Survey IPM Florida Activities Program Structure Program Structure Program Logic Model Program Logic Model Partnerships Partnerships Current Projects Current Projects
What is IPM? IPM is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information and available pest control methods IPM is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information and available pest control methods To prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means To prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means With the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment With the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment
Tactics of IPM Sustainability Sustainability Prevention Prevention Cultural Practices Cultural Practices Biological Control Biological Control Chemical Control Chemical Control Physical Methods Physical Methods
Economics Economics Natural resources Natural resources Human welfare Human welfare Environmental stewardship Environmental stewardship Sustainability of IPM
Diagnosis Diagnosis Scouting Scouting Thresholds Thresholds Management Management Pest Management Approach
IPM Coordination in IFAS Support/encourage Extension faculty & clientele Support/encourage Extension faculty & clientele Build faculty teams to deliver IPM Build faculty teams to deliver IPM Serve as an IFAS, IPM contact Serve as an IFAS, IPM contact Become a focal point for institutional IPM Become a focal point for institutional IPM Provide information on IPM res., Exten. & teaching Provide information on IPM res., Exten. & teaching Help develop grant proposals for faculty teams Help develop grant proposals for faculty teams Promote IFAS IPM programs in state and beyond Promote IFAS IPM programs in state and beyond Document Florida's IPM achievements Document Florida's IPM achievements Work closely with IFAS Administration Work closely with IFAS Administration
IPM Extension Survey 1. Pest Management Guides 2. Consultation/Networking 3. Current Pesticide Information 4. Current IPM Information 5. Collaboration on Projects 6. Measure Adoption of IPM 7. IPM Scouting, Thresholds 8. In-Service Training
Ask Extension Recent Additions IPM Florida Program Structure Planning Scouting Pest Identification Tactics Measuring IPM Invasive Species GMOs Soil Quality Water Quality/BMPs About IPM Florida Contact Us What is IPM Success Stories Projects Reports Extension Resources Training Funding Employment Events Our Listserv Related Links Site Map
IPM FLORIDA STRUCTURE Program Delivery Program Delivery Clientele Delivery Approach Products County Extension/ Master Gardener Extension Specialists IFAS Administration IFAS Programs Students Discipline (IPM) Extension Goals and Focus Areas In-Service Training Scientific/ Technical Meetings Website EDIS Trade Journals Partnership Synergy Creativity Opportunity Ownership (minimize) Consultation Projects Extension Materials Publications
IPM FLORIDA STRUCTURE Program Maintenance Program Recognition (Branding) Requirements Resources Logo Authorship Name Recognition Serve Clientele CSREES Annual Report Financing CSREES, Grants/Agreements Office Maintenance Professional Development Staff Funding Facilities Equipment Website
IPM Partnerships State State Regional Regional National National
1. ChemSearch Pilot Test (Sonke, CDMS, Extension agents in every district) 2. Miami Offshore Invasive Species (USDA, APHIS & ARS; DACS, DPI) 3. DPM Program Enhancement (Cheek; McGovern; USDA, APHIS; Florida Farm Bureau 4. Landscape Maintenance Training in IPM (Larson, Extension Specialists and Agents) 5. Woody Ornamental IPM Project (Sonke; IPM Institute North America; Cherry Lake Tree Farm, Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association 6. IPM Toolbox (Dunn, Wilber, Master Gardeners, statewide Extension agents) 7. Puerto Rico Mole Cricket Project (Frank, UPR) IPM Florida Projects
8. School IPM Pilot Project (Oi, Koehler, Buss, Indiana University; Florida Department of Education, Brevard Public Schools; DACS, Division of Agricultural Environmental Services, Extension Agents) 9. Caribbean Initiative on Invasive Species (Brown; Klassen; USDA, APHIS) 10. IPM Videos- strawberry, tomato, ornamental plants, invasive weeds (Larson, Sonke, Brinen, Cave, Hightower, Thomas, Williamson) 11. Mole Cricket IPM (Frank, Dunn, Portman, UPR) 12. Tomato and Pepper Decision Sourcebook (Gillett, HansPetersen, Glades Crop Care) 13. IPM Florida Website (Douglas, Sonke) 14. USAID IPM CRSP (Klassen, Staal, Cornell University) IPM Florida Projects
IFAS Environmental Programs Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Center for Organic Agriculture Center for Organic Agriculture Center for Tropical Agriculture Center for Tropical Agriculture Doctor of Plant Medicine Degree Program Doctor of Plant Medicine Degree Program Florida 4-H Youth Development Program Florida 4-H Youth Development Program Florida Energy Extension Service Florida Energy Extension Service Florida Master Gardener Program Florida Master Gardener Program Florida Master Naturalist Program Florida Master Naturalist Program Pesticide Information Office Pesticide Information Office School of Natural Resources and Environment School of Natural Resources and Environment Southern Plant Diagnostic Network Southern Plant Diagnostic Network
ChemSearch Pilot Test Partners: Dan Sonke, Norm Leppla, Rande Janzen (CDMS), Extension agents in every district Goals: Conduct a pilot test in Florida to evaluate ChemSearch, expand the test into the other 12 states in the Southern Region, and work with CDMS staff to improve the database. Products: A comprehensive, up-to-date pesticide database. Benefits: Extension agents and researchers will have immediate access to current pesticide information for making pesticide recommendations.
Miami Offshore Invasive Species Partners: Ken Bloem (USDA, APHIS), Norm Leppla, Billy Newton (USDA, APHIS), Bob Heath (USDA, ARS), Don Harris (DACS, DPI) Goals: Implement Biological Control Programs Against Pests on Agriculture and Natural Resources in Florida. Products: Natural enemies delivered and impacts evaluated on target pests, e.g. pink hibiscus mealybug, tropical soda apple, melaleuca, papaya mealybug, cycad scale. Benefits: Management of alien invasive pests for growers, natural resource managers, and citizens.
Woody Ornamental IPM Partners: Norm Leppla, Tom Green (IPM Institute North America), Dan Sonke, Timothee Sallin (Cherry Lake Tree Farm), Bill Schall, Frank Melton, Ben Bolusky (Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association) Goals: Create a reduced-risk pest management practice assessment for woody ornamental plant production. Products: Private sector IPM certification program. Benefits: Environmentally oriented producers and consumers, real estate developers, and public agencies.
Partners: Bill Brown, Waldy Klassen, Norm Leppla, Carlton Davis, Mike Shannon (USDA, APHIS), many others. Goals: Establish state-of-the-art phytosanitary programs in cooperation with the countries in the Caribbean Region, including infrastructure evaluation and capacity building. Products: Capability for rapidly detecting, identifying and managing alien invasive agricultural pests and diseases in the Caribbean. Benefits: Protect Caribbean producer’s crops and animals for local consumption and enable pest and disease free exports. Caribbean Initiative on Invasive Species Caribbean Initiative on Invasive Species
The Future of IPM The Future of IPM