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Presentation transcript:

Professional Development WELL Practitioners’ Professional Development Guide © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 Funded under the Workplace English Language and Literacy Program by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Funded under the Workplace English Language and Literacy Program by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations This work is copyright.  You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered from only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation.  Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved.  Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Attorney General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posted at

About WELL WELL is an Australian Government initiative. It aims to: Assist existing employees to undertake training essential to retaining their job and progress in the workplace by integrating English language, literacy and numeracy (LL&N) with vocational training in the workplace Assist IEP participants who require LLN training Assist employers to see the value of English LL&N in achieving business and workplace training goals, and Support resource development and strategic activities that improve the uptake of English LL&N training in industry

About WELL cont. Enterprises have reported improved: - access to training & skill development - workplace communication - workplace skills - means of managing change - occupational health & safety - productivity

WELL Target Group Employees whose English language, literacy & numeracy proficiencies are at Levels 1, 2 and/or 3 of the ACSF i.e. below the level where one can communicate in English with sufficient accuracy to meet specific workplace needs IEP participants whose language, literacy and numeracy proficiency is at Levels 1, 2 and/or 3 of the ACSF

Access to WELL training funding The following types of organisations can apply for WELL training funding: - Enterprises (including Government business enterprises); - representative bodies (e.g. ISCs, employer organisations and trade unions); - Local governments; - RTOs on behalf of enterprises; - agencies which receive partial funding from Government sources provided revenue is also derived from commercial business activities; - non-government bodies; and - Group Training Organisations (GTOs)

WELL Project Funding: 3 Areas Training Projects - demonstrated need for language, literacy & numeracy in the workplace - retain employment - advance within the organisation - training must be integrated with vocational training - training is designed to meet the needs of: - the company - the worker

WELL Project Funding: 3 Areas cont.. Resource Projects - development of training materials - experimentation of training materials - develop industry relevant language, literacy & numeracy assessment & reporting methods Strategic Projects - projects that have: * national scope * activities to support cost effective training across one or more industry sectors

WELL Project Roles & Responsibilities Applications for WELL training projects are considered at State/Territory level WELL program requires recipient to contribute 25% of training costs in the first year Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) must be used Regular reports to DEEWR All activities must comply with relevant legislation

WELL Project Management Administered by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) Each State and Territory has a WELL Coordinator DEEWR’s National Office manages Resource and Strategic projects

WELL Project Funding Training projects have a joint project funding arrangement with the Australian Government (75%) and employer (25%) for first year Subsequent years - 50% contribution from employer Resource & Strategic Projects are fully funded

WELL Project Reporting Requirements Reports must be provided at: - three months - six months - twelve months - an independent audited financial statement on project completion

WELL Project Reporting Requirements cont… Use approved WELL resources: - Literacy Net website ( - NTIS website ( - Individual Industry Skills Councils (ISCs)

WELL Practitioners Qualifications A range of qualifications to deliver LL&N training to adult learners, such as: Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment, plus Advanced Diploma in Teaching LLN in VET (South Australia)

WELL Management & Administration Recruitment - Employer’s needs must align with jobseeker - Employer considers how well you can accommodate the jobseeker - New successful recruit must be integrated and be productive – this may take work

WELL Management & Administration cont… Position Description - Articulates the most important outcome you need from an employee to do a particular job - Tells an employee where their job fits within the department & the company - Is an integral piece of the performance development planning process

WELL Management & Administration cont… Promoting the vacancy - Cast the net wide Communicate clearly about the job on offer - Choose the most effective means of reaching your target

Assessing applicants and recruiting WELL practitioners Key skills and attributes should include: Experience working with adults Understanding workplace culture Flexibility Integrity Empathy Ability to work independently Ability to deal with a range of stakeholder needs Good communication skills

Workplace induction Orientation A workplace induction from your local area HR induction interview Orientation program Induction must include the specific cultural and social environments which encompass LLN requirements

WELL Project Managers Will be responsible for planning the work of others Self starter Apply technical & organisational knowledge to organisation issues & problems Apply their skills to the management of trainees & a variety of workplace situations Exercise appropriate judgement Manage appropriate resources & services Manage organisational processes

WELL Project Management Skills Development Manager’s role: Develop Sustain Grow workplace literacy program Workplace literacy practitioner’s role: Planning Leading Developing Coordinating Monitoring workplace literacy program

A guide to supporting WELL practitioners & the unique issues they face General - understand the processes & performance expectations - understand their role - Participate in a team - Prepare reports - Understand business priorities - Communicate effectively with all stakeholders

A guide to supporting WELL practitioners & the unique issues they face cont… Specific WELL - Organise, conduct & document activities - Prepare & present WELL findings - Design & deliver workplace literacy program - Communicate effectively with staff & team - Organise, conduct & document teaching activities & learner progress - Work effectively in a non-traditional teaching environment

A guide to effective client management Find out as much as you can about the client Demonstrate that you can meet their needs Demonstrate that you understand the company’s issues and that you are competent Be realistic – don’t promise more than you can deliver

WELL Administration - A guide to preparing WELL Applications Invitations for WELL funding applications are advertised at various times during the year in major newspapers & on the DEEWR website The form can be downloaded from the site The form may not be modified There is a helpful “Hints and Tips” document to assist you Complete application forms are sent to the relevant State/Territory WELL office

A Guide to AQTF AQTF 2007 is the national set of training standards It assures nationally consistent, high quality training & assessment services There are two sets of national agreed standards - AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration - AQTF 2007 Standards for State & Territory Registering Bodies

A Guide to AQTF cont…. National Audit & Registration Agency (NARA) provides audits & registration services for RTOs Registration under the AQTF requires an RTO to take account of language, literacy & numeracy skills as part of its core business

WELL Project Administration & Reporting DEEWR administers the WELL Program A State WELL Coordinator and SAC assess local training applications Payments are made via Electronic Funds Transfer The first payment is made when the contract is signed Subsequent payments are made per the contract

WELL Program Delivery – WELL Client

A guide to learner characteristics & learner needs Adult learners: Expect to find learning rewarding Use all their senses to learn Learn more effectively when they can relate new information to their existing knowledge Need opportunities to practice their new skills

A guide to learner characteristics & learner needs cont.. Adult learners: Remember the first & last things in a learning session Need feedback on their progress Need to be actively involved in the learning process Need more time to make sense of & value new information

A guide to learner context Be aware of interlinking language, literacy & numeracy Industries have their own vocabulary, technical terms & acronyms Effective cross-cultural communication is essential The ABS Adult Literacy and Life Skills (ALLS) Survey 2006 identified that 7 million Australians between 15 – 74 have poor & very poor literacy & numeracy skills

Industry Sector overviews specific to Language, Literacy & Numeracy Australian industry needs competent, skilled workers with the flexibility to adapt to the changing workplace environment. OECD research indicates that a 1 percent rise in average literacy will lead to a 1.5 percent increase in GDP per capita and a 2.5 percent rise in labour productivity.

WELL Context

Information about VET & Industry Training Packages Vocational Education & Training (VET) VET Vocational Education & Training or Training for Work - AQF - AQTF - RTO - State & Territory registering authorities AQTF defines all nationally recognised qualifications - a single framework for all qualifications from senior secondary certificate to PhD

Information about VET & Industry Training Packages cont.. Key resource for RTOs in the delivery of structured, accredited training Developed by industry through National Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) Has two parts - endorsed - support material

A guide to WELL Program & AQTF An RTO needs to fit LLN into the delivery of its training and assessment to: - redress any LLN deficiencies - build skills such as teamwork, communication & problem solving - Fit LL&N into training & delivery - LL&N skills are integrated into units of competency in all training packages

Back to Basics VET Information

Learning & Assessment Strategies Determine industry requirements Select qualification/units of competency Determine target group needs Determine delivery and assessment schedule Determine evidence gathering/assessment method Validate assessment strategies

Access & Equity Equity groups may include, but are not limited to: Students with English as a second language Students with literacy or numeracy difficulties Indigenous students Students in remote locations Women in non-traditional industries Students with sensory impairment Students with physical or intellectual disabilities

Developing Assessment Tools, Validation Assessment tools are materials that enable you to collect evidence using your chosen assessment method. Assessment tools are the instruments and procedures used to gather and interpret evidence of competence: The instrument is the activity or specific questions used to assess competence by the assessment method selected. An assessment instrument may be supported by a profile of acceptable performance and the decision-making rules or guidelines to be used by assessors Procedures are the information or instructions given to the candidate and the assessor about how the assessment is to be conducted and recorded.

Developing Assessment Tools, Validation Validate assessment strategies Assessment strategies must be developed in consultation with enterprises/industry, and The RTO must validate its assessment strategies by reviewing, comparing and evaluating the assessment processes, tools and evidence contributing to judgements made by a range of assessors against the same competency standards, at least annually

Flexible Delivery/Reasonable Adjustment Flexible learning includes a range of delivery modes such as: distance education mixed-mode delivery online/e-learning self-paced and self-directed learning.

Flexible Delivery/Reasonable Adjustment Reasonable adjustment may mean: Making learning materials and methods accessible Adapting the physical environment and equipment Making adjustments to the procedures for conducting assessment Making adjustments to the evidence gathering techniques

Information about competencies Units of competency, or competency standards, are the building blocks of a qualification. These standards describe discrete work tasks, and the knowledge, technical skills and employability skills a person needs to perform the task effectively in the workplace. By looking at different aspects of a unit of competency, a complete picture of required performance is generated, which informs the design of learning and assessment activities. This is often called ‘unpacking’ the unit of competency.

Unpacking LL&N Requirements ‘Unpacking’ a unit of competency has also been called ‘building a picture of competency.’ This means breaking down the competency standard to gain answers to the following questions: What is the work activity? What does the work activity involve? What skills are needed to perform the work activity? What level of skill is needed? What evidence is needed to prove that a person is competent? what knowledge and skills are needed to perform this work activity? What generic work skills are needed? Where should evidence be gathered? What resources are required to gather the evidence?

WELL Professional Development Tools Self Assessment Checklists for WELL Practitioners Checklist 1 Checklist 2 Checklist 3

WELL Professional Development Plan Template

Case Studies of Best Practice Delivery, Assessment, Administration & Management Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3

PowerPoint Presentation

Events Calendar of WELL Professional Development

Helpful Links WELL Website MESAB