International Society of Physiotherapy Journal Editors - ISPJE Prospective clinical trial registration Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa
Dissertação APTA - PTJ Prof Chris Maher Dr Mark Elkins Dr Christine Lin Prof Rebecca Craik Acknowledgements
Why ISPJE is recommending prospective clinical trial registration? ISMJE´s 2004 recommendations PT journals are struggling to convince authors to register their trials Sometimes authors, journal reviewers and even journal editors do not fully understand why prospective CT registration should be done Evidence about CT registration in PT trials PTJ´s implementation of prospective CT registration
Why ISPJE is recommending prospective clinical trial registration? PT journals are able to better educate their readers, authors and reviewers about the importance of CT registration by: Endorsing ISPJE recommendations of CT registration Implementing prospective CT registration as soon as possible Publishing a joint editorial in the last issue of 2012 or first issue of 2013
Agenda Clinical trial registration in physiotherapy trials Dr Mark Elkins, editor, Journal of Physiotherapy Implementing the policy of mandatory prospective trial registration Professor Rebecca Craik, Editor in Chief, Physical Therapy Summing up Dr Leonardo Costa, chair person of the ISPJE