January 21, 2015 Questions?? Ms. Parlette, AP Coordinator Ms. Ruther, Counseling Department Chair
You have worked hard! You have 85% or greater attendance this year. You’ve passed one or more HSA exams.
Review Course Request & Descriptions for AP Course Offerings
Meet with your Counselor for Registration in Social Studies Classes
Department Chairs will approve/deny request based on Course Prerequisite Process
AP US HISTORY- 11 TH GRADE MR. COPEE This course focuses on political, economic, diplomatic, social, intellectual and cultural history of the United States of America. Emphasis is placed on preparing students to pass the AP US History exam in May. Prerequisites- A) Successful completion of American Government, World History, and the Government HSA. B) Recommendations from at least 2 current teachers.
A.P. Micro- and Macroeconomics Microeconomics: Developing a thorough understanding of the economic principles that apply to individuals, businesses, and government in economic policy. The study of choice and incentives. Macroeconomics: Analysis of economic systems as a whole, including the study of economic performance, government policies, and international economics. This course will prepare students for two Advanced Placement exams: Prerequisites: -2.0 GPA or higher -Grade of C or higher (Honors or AP courses recommended) -Passed Government HSA (does not apply for current 11 th grade students) -Two teacher recommendations
AP PSYCHOLOGY! (Mr. Norton) Units of Study: History & Approaches (Intro) Research Methods (Stats) Biological Bases of Behavior (Brain) Sensation & Perception (Senses) States of Consciousness (Sleep) Learning (Conditioning) Cognition – (Memory) Motivation/Emotion Developmental Psychology Personality Testing/Intelligence Abnormal Psychology (Disorders/Treatment) Social Psychology An Elective For 11 th & 12 th Graders Prerequisites: Social Studies GPA – 2.0 Passed the Government HSA Teacher Recommendation AP Psychology’s goal is to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals.
AP GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS AN ELECTIVE FOR 11 TH AND 12 TH GRADERS MR. D’ACHINO This course covers many in-depth topics about fundamental and controversial issues in Government. This course also focuses on current event issues and hot topics in our world today. Units of Study: Unit 1: Constitutional Underpinnings of US Government Unit 2: Political Beliefs and Behaviors Unit 3: Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Media Unit 4: The Branches of Government and Bureaucracy Unit 5: Public Policy Unit 6: Civil Rights and Liberties Prerequisites: Completion of Social Studies courses GPA 2.0 or Higher Passed American Government C or Higher Passed Government HSA Teacher Recommendation
AP Human Geography Topics Covered: Geography Population & Migration Cultural Patterns & Processes Political Organization of Space Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use Industrialization & Economic Development Cities and Urban Land Use An Elective for 10 th, 11 th, & 12 th graders Prerequisites: Social Studies GPA – 2.0 Passed the Government HSA Teacher Recommendation Good to take after AP World History To introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences.
An in depth look at what makes life work! Explores how and why things work around us! See how our lives affect the environment! More in depth exploration of Physics topics!
The puzzle piece to ALL Mathematics courses! Describe, Compare, & Relate digital data! The renowned sequel to Calculus AB!
Drawing, 2D, & 3D Portfolios2D Portfolio, 100% Photo
1 credit (Mr. Jay) 11 th -12 th graders Taken after successful completion of Spanish I-IV; passing Spanish IV the previous year with a C or better. This course is a rigorous course, taught exclusively in Spanish and is approximately equivalent to the 5 th or 6 th semester university course. The course focuses on the integration of authentic resources including online print, audio, and audiovisual resources, as well as traditional print resources that include literature, essays, and magazine and newspaper articles.
1. Review the list of AP courses and course descriptions. 2. Decide if you would like to take an AP Course for next year. 3. Complete the AP Course Request Form before meeting with your counselor in Social Studies classes for registration.