Repercussions of Pearl Harbor Attack
Executive Order 9066
War Relocation Authority 120,313 people were under WRA control Japanese Americans up and down the West Coast were removed neighborhood by neighborhood through these "exclusion orders." Most Japanese Americans were taken to a local "assembly center," or temporary detention camp, upon arrival. 33,000 Japanese Americans serve and some of the most highly decorated units
A Belated Apology: The Civil Liberties Act of 1988
America mobilizes for war
A. America builds up a military 15 million Americans served in WWII Selective Service = draft G.I. = government issue soldier’s ave. age = 26 8 wks. basic training
B. Women join the military 1st time women could enlist in the military many joined the WAAC (Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps) 64,000 women served as nurses
Women’s Army Air Corps Pilots
C. War Production Board WPB told factories what to produce, how much to produce & how much to charge Defense industries boom, unemployment falls to 1.2% in 1944 Factories convert from civilian to war production (ex. Cars to tanks)
D. “Rosie the Riveter” Percentage of women in work force rises to 35%
E. Paying for the War How did the government pay for the war? taxes (paid for 40%) war bonds (paid for 60%)
F. Propaganda: used to sway public opinion & ensure support for the war
G. US Government Rations Goods rationing was used to keep prices down & manage product shortages (meat, butter, gas…)
Other Ways of Pitching In…
Racism in America during the war: Double V Campaign: African Americans fought for a Double Victory a victory against racism overseas 2) a victory against racial discrimination at home 1 million African Americans serve; live, work in segregated units
Racism in America during the war: Tension in Los Angeles Anti-Mexican zoot suit riots involve thousands servicemen and civilians Due to rumors sailors, attacked a Mexican American neighborhood targeting teens and police did not intervene.