Mousetrap Car Project 130 pts
Cover Page : 5 pts Photo Group Name Name of the Member of the Group Grade Level School UCLA MESA Center Lawndale High School
I. Purpose : Write the Overview in your own words 5 points II. Background Information : 10 points a. Write and Discuss at least 3 Physics Concepts ( speed, velocity, acceleration, force, Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion ) b. Equations or Formula necessary for this project - e.g. Kinematic Equations, Fnet=ma, Weight = mg ) III. Materials- 5points
IV. Construction Procedures : 10 points write the step by step procedures of how you construct the mousetrap car ( at least 10 steps) V. Experimental Procedures : 10points How are you going to test the mousetrap car ? Write the steps to test the car.
VI. Data Table- 20 pts A. Horizontal motion B. Inclined Motion cardistancetimespeed cardistancetimespeed
VII. Calculations-10pts
VIII. Graphs – 10pts A. Horizontal Motion Cars VS Distance Cars VS Speed B. Horizontal Motion Cars VS Distance Cars VS Speed
IX. Analysis of Results 20pts 1.State the purpose 2.Summarize the construction procedures 3.Summarize the experimental procedures 4.List problems encountered and how problems were solved 5.List techniques on how to make a mousetrap car move. 6.List techniques on how to make a mousetrap car go up a ramp.
X. Conclusion 10points State your purpose. What techniques are necessary to make a mousetrap car go up a ramp ?
XII. Photos – 5 points XIII. Bibliography ( site at least 3 ) 5 points identify websites used in this project Website Name Website Address Author or Company Date posted Dat used