Outline Quick Review. Data Source – NVD. Data Preprocessing. Experimental Results. An Essential Limitation. An Alternative Feature. Conclusion. Future Work. 2
Quick Review 3
Source Database – NVD National Vulnerability Database – U.S. government repository of standard vulnerability management data. – Data included in each NVD entry Published Date Time Vulnerable software’s CPE Specification CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) External links/reference/summary 4
Instances An instance is a tuple including configuration information and vulnerability. – – e.g. (Microsoft, windows7, sp1, CVSS, vulnerability1) 5
Number of Instances 6
Number of CVEs 7
Data Preprocessing NVD data—Training/Testing dataset – Starting from 2005 since before that the data looks unstable. – Remove some obvious errors in NVD (e.g. “cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:390”). Attributes – Published time : Month and day/epoch time. – Version: discretization/binning. – Versiondiff: A normalized difference between two versions. Radix-based versiondiff. Counter (Rank) - based versiondiff. – Vendor: Removed (For each vendor we only built one model). 8
Predictive & Predicted Attributes Predictive feature – Time – Versiondiff – TTPV (Time to previous Vulnerability) – CVSS (Common vulnerability scoring system) Predicted feature (intermediate result) – TTNV (Time to next vulnerability) We believe this feature could quantify the risk level of software. Final result – Quantitative risk level indicator 9
Fitness Indicator - Correlation Coefficient [13] 10
Training/Testing dataset We used ratio of training : testing = 2 : 1 for our experiments All training data is earlier than testing data. 11
Correlation Coefficient for Linux Vulnerabilities Using Two Formats of Time 12
Counter (Rank) Based Versiondiff We rank all versions regardless of their values – If one only have three versions: 5.0, 2.2 and 2.1, then their values will be replaced by 3, 2 and 1. – i.e. versiondiff (5.0, 2.2) = versiondiff (2.2, 2.1), versiondiff (5.0, 2.1) = 2*versiondiff (2.2, 2.1). Characteristic: – This schema neglects the quantitative differences between versions. The radix is a “dynamic” number depending on how many version possibilities it has. 13
Fixed Radix (100) Versiondiff The radix for each sub version is a fixed value – 100. – Versiondiff(2.1, 3.1) = 100 – Versiondiff(3.3, 3.1) = 2 Underlying principle : – Difference between major versions suggests a higher degree of dissimilarity than difference between (relative) minor versions.[14] 14
Correlation Coefficient for Linux Vulnerabilities Using Two Formats of Versiondiff 15
Correlation Coefficient for Adobe Vulnerabilities Using CVSS Metrics or Not 17
Software(Linux Kernel) Version Discretization/Binning Rationale: Group values with high similarity. How? – Rounding all the sub versions to its third significant major version. – E.g. Bin ( ) =
Software Version (Linux Kernel)Discretization/Binning (Cont) Why & Why not? – Why 3? More than half instances (31834/56925) have a version longer than 3. – Why not 4? Only 1% (665/56925) instances’ versions longer than 4. – Why not 2? Difference on the third subversion will be regarded as a huge dissimilarity for Linux kernel. [1] – Why not Microsoft? Versions of Microsoft products are naturally discrete. (all of them have numeric versions less than 20) 19
Correlation Coefficient for Linux Vulnerabilities Using Binned Versions or Not 20
An Essential Problem of Versiondiff Most of the new vulnerabilities affecting current version will affect previous versions as well. – Microsoft Bulletin. – Adobe Bulletin. – Therefore, most versiondiff are zero (or unknown). Microsoft : 85.2% (14229/16699) Linux: 61.5% (39448/64052) Mozilla: 53.4% (12057/22566) … 21
A Possible Alternative Attribute Occurrences number of each version of each software. – This could somehow illustrate the trend of each version (Since the number of occurrence will keep increasing and most of the instances will have a meaningful value (instead of zero)) – This attribute is just follow our intuition but we couldn’t find any rationale behind it. 22
Microsoft Windows – Instances without version information. Instead of using the aforementioned attribute, we use occurrence number of given software ( windows). Non-windows applications – Instances including version information. We used the aforementioned attribute as one of the predictive feature. 23
Windows and non-windows instances 24
Different Applications Have Quite Different Trends Firefox – It has promising results (correlation coefficient is close to 0.7 for both training and test data)when we tried building models on it. – Adding CVSS or not will not affect the results. Internet Explorer – It has similar results when adding CVSS. – But its results will be extremely bad without CVSS. 25
Correlation Coefficient for IE Vulnerabilities Using CVSS Metrics or Not 26
Correctly Classified Rate for Firefox Vulnerabilities Using CVSS Metrics or Not 27
Google(Chrome) It is becoming more and more vulnerable vendor (in terms of numbers of instances). It has more than 10,000 instances. However, more than half of them appeared within two months (Apr-May 2010). 28
Conclusion Conclusion: Vendor-based Models couldn’t be built now because of the limitation of NVD data. However, group similar application-based models is another possibility. Why? – Trend of TTNV is not stable (have been shown in previous test). – Some errors could dramatically affect the results. – Inconsistent definitions. (Caused by different maintainers)[12]. – Version information couldn’t be used effectively. 29
Future Work Number of zero-day vulnerabilities of each software – This may need life-cycle information. CVSS Score – Indicates the risk levels for different vulnerabilities. 30
Questions & Discussions Thank you! 31
References [1]Andrew Buttner et al, ”Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) – Specification,” [2]NVD, [3]O. H. Alhazmi et al, “Modeling the Vulnerability Discovery Process,” [4]Omar H. Alhazmi et al, “Prediction Capabilities of Vulnerability Discovery Models,” [5]Andy Ozment, “Improving Vulnerability Discovery Models,” [6]R. Gopalakrishna and E. H. Spafford, “A trend analysis of vulnerabilities,” [7]Christopher M. Bishop, “Pattern Recognition andMachine Learning,” [8]Xinming Ou et al, “MulVAL: A logic-based network security analyzer,” [9] Kyle Ingols et al, “Modeling Modern Network Attacks and Countermeasures Using Attack Graphs” [10] Miles A. McQueen et al, “Empirical Estimates and Observations of 0Day Vulnerabilities,” [11] Alex J. Smola et al, “A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression,” [12] Vulnerability Discovery & Software Security Andy Ozment. Ph.D Dissertation. [13] Correlation Coefficient, [14] Microsoft Software Versioning, 32