CIRCUS ANIMALS ARE ABUSED Ringling Brothers are the most known circus group and is a major offender for animal abuse 11 elephants have died since 1992 Captive Elephant Accident Prevention Act Witnesses and former employees are standing up against the Ringling Brothers Acknowledged on a state and national levels by congress
NO MORE ANIMAL ACTS? Mexico has recently banned the utilization of wild animals in circus performances Approximately 30 nations currently have or are in the process of passing a similar ban US has increasingly considered following the same ban Governement mandated officials have been sent to inspect the environment in which the animals are kept Yet there is still controversy over how unhealthy and inhumane the living conditions are
RINGLING BROTHERS TO STOP USING ELEPHANTS IN TRAVELING SHOWS Three year program (by 2018): to stop using elephants in the Ringling Brothers performances 13 current Asian elephants travel for shows 40 former Ringling Brothers elephants already located in the Center for Elephant Conservation in Florida Went into effect after activists protested performances across the country
ANIMALS AND THE CONCEPT OF DIGNITY: CRITICAL REFLECTION ON A CIRCUS PERFORMANCE In Moscow, Cataldi reviewed her thoughts on the circus performance she witnessed and analyzed the conditions in which the wild animals were kept and how they were treated Degrading to watch “teddy bears” be abused in such a manipulative manor “Momma Bear”
DISCUSSION QUESTION: Should wild animals continue to be used during circus performances?