By Chyanne and Evie-Mae Supreme Stone Age By Chyanne and Evie-Mae
About 2. 5 billion years ago the age started called the Stone Age About 2.5 billion years ago the age started called the Stone Age. There was no internet or cars or electronics like now. What would it’ve been like ??? then… now… What is the Stone Age?
What did they eat? In the early Stone Age they didn’t have fire to cook things so they ate things raw like meat {which could give them a disease}, grain, wheat and rice. They hunted by using tools like spears and knives to stab the animals and kill them.
Most of the stone age people wore leather and fur from animals and some of their clothes were dyed. Tree bark, nettles, rushes and grass could have been used as well. WHAT DID THEY WEAR?
We have tools today and so did Stone Age people but they had other ones made out of rock like spears and harpoons and such things. Stone Age tools.
ANIMALS To keep warm and eat, the Stone Age people ate animals for food, like we do today, but in the early days they didn’t have fire to cook the meat so they ate it raw {which probably gave them a disease.}
Stone age were the first to do art.
Stone age facts. Our ancestor, modern man Homo sapiens emerged around 200,000 years ago. Homo habilis, an early human who evolved around 2.3 million years ago, was probably the first to make stone tools. Neanderthals died out around 30,000 years ago. Flint was commonly used for making stone tools but other stones such as chert and obsidian were also used. The Stone Age is divided into three periods; the Palaeolithic (old Stone Age), Mesolithic (middle Stone Age) and the Neolithic (new Stone Age). Palaeolithic and Mesolithic people were nomadic hunter gatherers. They moved frequently following the animals that they hunted and gathering fruits and berries when they could. The dog was the first animal to be domesticated. This happened during the Mesolithic period. Dogs could help with the hunt, warn of danger and provide warmth and comfort. The gradual development of agriculture and the domestication of animals during the Neolithic period meant that people could live in settled communities. Some isolated tribespeople were still effectively living in the Stone Age as recently as the twentieth century. The houses in Skara Brae, a Neolithic Orkney village, had beds, cupboards, dressers, shelves and chairs.
GOODBYE!!! So now you know quite a lot of things about the Stone Age, like what they ate, wore and their tools. This is the end so goodbye from us!!!