2015 Legend Spring Lacrosse Board Members President – Shaun Bristow/Coach ‘Q’ Vice President – Chris Carpenter Treasurer – Jeff Jones Treasurer (trainee) – Tina Stroman Secretary – Bruce Siekierski Fundraiser Coordinator – Open Position
Spring Lacrosse Fees $150 School Fee (Fee is split between Lacrosse program and LHS Athletic Department ($100/$50) $400 Player Fee $550 Total for Spring Lacrosse Season
Player Fee Inclusions (Player Pack) Long Sleeve Shooter Short Sleeve Shooter Practice Shorts Practice Pinnie Game Day Polo Lacrosse Hoodie Lacrosse Sweat Pant 2 Pair Socks (home and away). Additional socks available for purchase
The Rest of the $ Goes To: BussesGoalsLacrosse BallsGoalie SticksBounce Backs 3x GoalsGame FilmMgr. GearCoaches GearUniforms Coach GiftsSr. GiftsPlayer AwardsSenior NightTeam Meals Strength Coach Banquet (Players, Mgrs & Coaches) Sr. HelmetsHelmet OffsetVarsity Bags Game HydrationHelmet StickersCoaches PayScholarships
Player/Family Payment Options: Pay in full via pay pal on King Soopers $ Monthly payments starting Nov 1 Work Program (details next slide) Contacts: Chris Carpenter, Shaun Bristow, Combo of any of these four
Work Program Goal is to get to $400 Four work days (one in Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan) Four hours each day Get five sponsors to sponsor you for $5 per hour worked (payment to Legend Lacrosse is tax deductible) Work all four days and you will get $400 Coach “Q” strongly suggests that each player attend at least one work day regardless if you are raising $.