Where Does UMKC Fit in the 2011 Rankings?
Why pay attention to the US News Rankings? Although rankings are imprecise, metrics are important Prospective students pay attention and compare institutions on a number of indicators Schools are categorized by mission derived from Carnegie classification National Universities Offer full range of undergraduate majors, plus master’s and Ph.D. programs, and emphasize faculty research 260 institutions, including UMKC Gather data from each college for up to 16 indicators of academic excellence Each factor is assigned a weight that reflects how much it matters Colleges are ranked against their peers based on their composite weighted score
Changes to the U.S. News Rankings Changed from a three-tier structure to a two-tier structure Tier 1 – top 75% of schools Tier 2 – bottom 25% of schools Graduation rate performance more heavily rated Now accounts for 7.5% (up from 5%) High school counselors’ opinion now included Accounts for 7.5% Weight assigned to peer ratings was reduced Accounts for 15% (down from 25%) New Undergraduate Academic Reputation Index Weighted combined results of both reputation surveys Highest score is an index of 100
US News Tier Structure Tier 1Institutions ranked 1 to 191 Tier 2Institutions ranked 192 to 253 UMKC: Ranked 198 th
US News Rating Factors
2010 U.S. News Methodology Measures and Their Weights
Where Does UMKC Rank? UM-Kansas City 2007 Edition2008 Edition2009 Edition2010 Edition2011 EditionIncrease 1% Overall Rank 175th172nd165th186th198th Overall score Peer assessment score 2.5 Graduation & Retention Rank 192nd206th208th215th214th Avg. freshman retention rate 73%72% 71%72%9 students *Graduation rate: Predicted 65%63%61%62% Actual 47%45%43% 45%8 students Difference -18% -19%-17% Faculty Resources Rank 131st116th90th144th138th *Classes under 20 students 53%56%54%53%56%15 sections *Classes of 50 or more students 7% 6%9%8%14 sections *Student/faculty ratio 11/113/19/112/113/1 *Faculty who are full-time 82%83%84%82%84%21 positions Selectivity Rank 106th98th99th139th115th *ACT 25 th -75 th percentile *Freshman in top 10% of HS class 30%34% 31% 10 students *Acceptance rate 75%71%60%73%62%39 students Financial Resources Rank 131st132nd137th146th151st Alumni Giving Rank 229th233rd223rd211th196th Avg. alumni giving rate 5% 6%7% 446 alumni
UMKC’s Aspirational Peers Univ. ofSUNY atTempleUniv. of UMKCPittsburghBuffaloUniversityIllinois-ChicagoCincinnati Overall Rank Peer Assessment Score High School Counselor Score Undergraduate academic reputation index Graduation & Retention Rank Avg. freshman retention rate72%91%88%87%79%83% Six-year graduation rate45%78%66%67%54%55% Graduation rate performance Predicted62%77%63%57%59%49% Actual45%78%66%67%54%55% Difference-17%1%3%10%-5%6% Faculty Resources Rank Classes under 20 students56%40%38%34%33%39% Classes of 50 or more students8%18%20%9%19%10% Student/faculty ratio13/115/116/1 18/116/1 Faculty who are full-time84%89%87%74%90%99% Full-time faculty with terminal degree75%93%94%74%73%55% Selectivity Rank ACT 25 th -75 th percentile Freshman in top 10% of HS class31%49%28%21%28%22% Acceptance rate72%59%52%61%63%67% Financial Resources Rank Alumni Giving Rank Avg. alumni giving rate7%14%9%8%6%10%
UMKC’s Operational Peers GeorgeUniv. of Virginia UMKCMason Univ.UABLouisvilleSouth FloridaComm. Univ. Overall Rank Peer Assessment Score High School Counselor Score Undergraduate academic reputation index Graduation & Retention Rank Avg. freshman retention rate72%85%78% 84%83% Six-year graduation rate45%63%39%48% 51% Graduation rate performance Predicted62%57%51%57% 53% Actual45%63%39%48% 51% Difference-17%6%-12%-9% -2% Faculty Resources Rank Classes under 20 students56%30%40%24% 38% Classes of 50 or more students8%17%15%13%15%16% Student/faculty ratio13/116/117/118/127/118/1 Faculty who are full-time84%76%97%84%97%84% Full-time faculty with terminal degree75%91%86%89%82%n/a Selectivity Rank ACT 25 th -75 th percentile Freshman in top 10% of HS class31%21%27%25%35%16% Acceptance rate72%63%84%73%48%59% Financial Resources Rank Alumni Giving Rank Avg. alumni giving rate7%5%12%13%14%7%
Summary While our data has remained relatively flat, UMKC has dropped from 165 th in 2009 to 198 th in 2011 This places us in the bottom 25% of the rankings We cannot continue to do business as usual Where can UMKC make the biggest impact? Graduation Rates Our Aspirational Peers are retaining approximately 86% of their students on average Our Aspirational Peers are graduating approximately 64% of their students on average What can we do in these areas?