Incident Tracking Find/Add Incident Your first tab is Find/Add Incident, if the incident is already entered and you need to update or change it, you would click on Find Incident and enter the students name you want to update, then click Find. Make your changes and Save.
This is a chevron To add a new incident click on the chevron beside ADD INCIDENT to open the screen. Please fill in the *Incident Date, *Incident Time, *Incident Location, and description. Click on Save. Click on Tab two Participant Details Next screen is what you will see.
Participant Details Click on the Add button a new screen will pop up for you to search for the student to add to your incident. Once you Find the correct student click on OK to apply the student to the incident. Now we have more options and sections to fill out. Next slide shows the new screen
This slide shows the Role Details, please notice on the bottom of the screen the three chevrons to open Infractions, History of Incidents and Personal and Demographics, which will have to be clicked on to fill in the information needed.
Click the chevron to open the Infraction section Click the Add button to add a line for the Infractions. Choose your infraction. Fill in the Consequence, *Number of School Days, *Start Date, the End Date will populate itself for you along with the Date To Appeal By. Fill in the Authority Type Suspension Program and Program Status (depending on the amount of days rule) Click Save.
Click on the chevron to open the History of Incidents section History of Incidents is where the incidents associated to the student will show up. If needed you can print them Notice that the Role Details and Infraction sections are still on the screen but they are closed and greyed out History of Incidents is open and coloured because you are working in the section.
Click on the chevron to open the Personal and Demographics section This section prepopulates itself with the information already entered into Trillium. Student Name, Birth Date, SES, Gender, Grade, Addresses, Telecoms Next tab at the top is Incident Details.
Click on the tab Incident Details This is a review of the Incident along with any of the services that may have been involved with the students incident. Police, Ambulance, Fire Community Agency or Staff Information. Click on Save. If another participant needs to be added to the same incident go back to slide number 6 and continue through the presentation.