Reading Survey Results


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Presentation transcript:

Reading Survey Results Question: What words pop into your mind when you think of reading? You said….

Boring Joy Captivation Nothing Sleep Oh No! Time, do I have time dreadful Work I hope it’s not stupid Excitement Curiosity Thrill Sitting, long, staring Boring, waste of time Death Relaxation

Question: What things do you do well as a reader? You said…

I learn things from reading Following along Reading fast Figuring out words I don’t know Keeping my mind on the book Comprehending words Scanning things Remembering what I read Understanding the text Picking out good books to read Paying attention Following the story and new vocabulary Picturing what’s happening in the book in my head Nothing, I suck as a reader 

Question: What do I need to work on to improve my reading? You said…

Not getting off subject Comprehending what I read Put more time into it Reading faster and remembering what I read Actually wanting to read Not skipping words or reading too fast Read more difficult books Picturing characters in my head Finding books I like Slow down Reading more often

Question: What reading strategies do you use You said..

Visualize; become the main character Read out loud Read to the end of a section before I stop Thinking ahead; taking time to understand the book Slow down, re-read Stop after every chapter and write down what I’ve read Make sure what I am reading Predicting what’s going to happen Remembering characters and things that happened If I don’t understand, going over it again until I get it I don’t use any, I just read

Becoming a Strategic Reader

Before reading, the strategic reader… Previews the text by looking at the title, the pictures and the print in order to evoke relevant thoughts and memories. Builds background by activating appropriate prior knowledge Sets purposes for reading by asking questions about what he/she wants to learn (know) during the reading episode.

During reading, the strategic reader… Checks understanding of the text by paraphrasing the author’s words. Uses active reading strategies such as questioning, inferencing, predicting, and visualizing. Monitors comprehension by stopping occasionally to review what has been read, to figure out unknown words, and to check understanding of the content. Integrates new concepts with existing knowledge, continually revising purposes for reading. Makes connections to own life experiences.

After reading, the strategic reader…. Summarizes what has been read by retelling the plot of the story or the main idea of the text. Evaluates the ideas contained in the text. Makes applications of the ideas in the text to unique situations, extending the ideas to broader perspectives.

6 Active Reading Strategies

Predict Try to figure out what will happen next and how the selection might end. Read on to see how accurate your guesses were. I predict …

Visualize Visualize characters, events, and setting to help you understand what’s happening. When you read, pay attention to the images that form in your mind as you read.

Connect Connect personally with what you’re reading. Think of similarities between the descriptions in the selection and what you have personally experienced, heard about, and read about.

Question Question what happens while you read. Searching for reasons behind events and characters’ feelings can help you feel close to what you are reading.

Clarify Stop occasionally to review what you understand, and expect to have your understanding change and develop as you read on. Use resources to help you clarify your understanding. Reread when necessary.

Evaluate Form opinions about what you read, both while you’re reading and after you’ve finished. Develop your own ideas about characters and events.

On The Sidewalk Bleeding

Predict Based on the title, “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” what do you predict this story might be about and why?

Visualize What image do you visualize when you hear the title of this story?

Connect From the title alone can you personally connect to the story already? Does the title remind you of an incident in your life or someone’s life you might know?

Get Ready to be a Strategic Reader…. unsure of what the strategy calls for. Before we have even begun to read the story, we have already used 3 reading strategies with the title alone: Predict, Visualize, and Connect. As we read the story, look for places to Predict, Visualize, Connect, Question, Clarify, and Evaluate. Refer to your notes and definitions if you are unsure how to use a strategy

Get Started You will need at least 6 post-it notes, label each one with the heading of each strategy. As you read, make note each time you use one of these strategies Try to have at least ONE for each strategy. Use the post-it notes to mark the spot in the text where you used the strategy

Taking Strategy Notes Throughout the story stop at places that might give you clues or reasons to predict what you think might happen next; make note of your prediction. As you read, look at the setting, characters, or incidents in which you visualize someone or something; make note of each visualization. Throughout the story, any time that you connect to a character or situation, make note of that personal connection.

Taking Strategy Notes While you read question what and why events are happening or how and why a character is feeling a certain way; make notes of any questions that pop into your mind as your read. When you are reading, stop to clarify what you know/understand so far in the story; make note of any words that you may need to clarify the meaning of later. As you read, evaluate and form opinions about the story, characters, and events; make note of your evaluations and ideas about these elements of the story.

Develop the Habit If you begin to use these strategies consciously, and think about and practice each of the strategies every time you read, then the strategies will become habit and you will no longer have to think of them; you will automatically do them. At this point you will have become a Strategic Reader and will find reading easier and more enjoyable.