"Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes." -- Mickey Mouse Set up powerpoint slide show Draw Graph on board Set up room graph Pass out funny graphs (one per table)
Matching Quadrant I _____ Quadrant II _____ Quadrant III _____ B C D Quadrant I _____ Quadrant II _____ Quadrant III _____ Quadrant IV _____
Overview Types of graphs Parts of a line graph Interpreting Graphs Reading graphs Building graphs Attendance sheet Pass out graphs
Types of graphs Bar graph Circle graphs Line graphs Shows comparisons of categories Example 1 P. 160 (Demonstrate A, ask for B) Demonstrate building bar graph (hate vs neutral vs like math) Build bar graph – Where do you live Demonstrate building graph with DOE table Y axis 17K – 50K Female then male Circle graph (Or Pie chart) Shows what percent of the whole that each item represents Example 2 (p. 161) (Demonstrate A, ask for B) Demonstrate building pie chart with math dislike data Line graph Example 3 (P. 162) Demonstrate example 3a Ask for answer to 3b Show example 1 as a line graph Funny bar graph Funny circle graph Funny line graph
Attendance vs Grade
Homework Points vs Grade
Change in Grade after Final Exam Grade Increased Grade Decreased Circle graph (Or Pie chart) Shows what percent of the whole that each item represents Example 2 (p. 161) (Demonstrate A, ask for B) Demonstrate building pie chart with math dislike data
Points and Ordered Pairs Graph or plot pairs of numbers Two perpendicular axes Origin Coordinates Ordered pairs Example 4 – Plot (-3, 4) Example 5 Show using room graph: Axis/Axes – horizontal and vertical Axes meet at the origin To plot a point need the Coordinates show location along the axis – need two coordinates (horiz and vert) Two coordinates are called Ordered pair (order is important) Written (a,b)
Axes and Windows Scale x-axis/y-axis Quadrants Scale (Room is scale of 1)(could make it 100, 200, 300 or 2,4,6) Whatever will make the graph legible, readable, and uncluttered National debt was over $9 Trillion in Sep 2007 Using graph paper with one square = $1, then 35,541,561 Miles high and would almost reach Mars when closest to earth Could use larger scale where each unit is 1 trillion Jagged break but would be hard to plot even a billion dollar change, and lots of empty space Could use jagged break and start scale at a higher number (debt in 2000 was about 5.6 trillion) May have to do both (8,990 billion to 9,000 B) x-axis/y-axis – Algebra uses x and y as variables a lot of the time Show on room graph Show Quadrants on room graph (who is in n quadrant?)
Interpreting Graphs Labels and units Relationships Trends Values Maximums and minimums P. 169 - Use room graph to pick student to identify labels Relationships (Instructor answers) Trends (pick student) Values (pick student) Maximum and minimum (pick student)
Building line graphs Demonstrate with GHC annual headcount x axis – 2001 to 2007 Y axis – 6,400 in scale of 200
Collaborative corner Questions/comments Reading assignment/homework