Welcome to 5th Grade Mrs. Hansen 5C Room D - 7
Lifeskills The basis for positive behavior at R.P.E.S. is our school’s Lifeskills Program. Students work on the human qualities in the classroom and outside in the playground. The Lifeskills will be discussed and practiced daily in the classroom and outside of the classroom as well. As a school, we will be focusing on 5 lifeskills: Caring: To feel and show concern for others. Respect: To give particular attention and high or special regard. Courage- To have the strength to do what’s right. Determination- To not give up on your goal Responsibility: To respond appropriately, to be accountable for your actions. Honors are given away to students who are seen following the lifeskills, and entered in a raffle.
Our Classroom Rules Consequences We are safe We are responsible We are respectful Consequences Name on Bad Choice Side: Warning Checkmark: Detention and consequence multi-flow map Two Checkmarks: Detention and no Fun Friday Three Checkmarks: All of the above and office referral
Rewards I strongly believe in rewarding children to encourage their best behavior. Writing their name on the good choice side (daily) Table points (daily) Fun Friday (weekly) Afternoon Party (when marble jar is filled)
Honor Roll Students that receive a 3.0 GPA or better will make Honor Roll. The GPA will be calculated at the end of the each trimester and be posted in our classroom. At the end of the year, students that have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better for the entire year will be recognized at our end of the year assembly and be given a certificate. You can check your child’s grades at anytime on Zangle. Just call the front office to get your login information if you do not already have it.
Supplies Needed 3 Spiral notebook (about70 pages) 4 durable folders Individual whiteboard and some type of eraser Dry erase marker(s) for individual whiteboards Pencil Box, scissors, crayons, colored pencils, pencils, sharpener, and eraser Classroom Donations Kleenex tissue Lined paper Clorox wipes Expo markers Pencils White copy paper Hand Sanitizer Sharpies Band-aids Index Cards
Wednesdays are Early Out days (1:50 Dismissal) Daily Schedule 8:25 SCHOOL BEGINS 8:25-8:35 Silent Reading / Journal / HW check 8:35-10:30 English-Language Arts HM 7 day plan, GATE Icons, Differentiation 10:30-11:00 ELD/ Power Standards Rotations 11:00-11:15 RECESS 11:15-12:45 Math Mental Math, Problem Solving, Notes, Practice, MDF 12:45-1:25 LUNCH 1:25-2:15 Science 2:15-2:40 Social Studies/PE 2:50 DISMISSAL* Wednesdays are Early Out days (1:50 Dismissal) Library: Thursdays @ 12:15 and Computer Lab Friday @ 12:15
Homework In fifth grade homework should take about 1 hour Most homework is started in class Daily homework in math and science. ELA and social studies will vary. Homework will be posted on our class website Recess detention for missing homework, unless accompanied by parent note, or student uses a homework pass. Tickets received for completed homework. 2 -3 Projects will be assigned per trimester.
5th Grade California State Standards Link http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/ Released Items (Sample CST questions) http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/css05rtq.asp ELA: Tested Math: Tested Science: Tested Social Studies: Not Tested Physical Fitness Test (flexibility, mile, sit-ups,..)
Grades (Projects, Homework, Classwork, and Tests) Students will be given achievement and effort letter grades in the following areas: Students will only be given effort grades in the following areas: Homework Narrative Reading Handwriting Informational Reading Physical Education Writing Computer Education Oral Language Spelling Fine Arts Mathematics Citizenship Social Studies Science A+ = 100% A = 94%-99% A- = 90%-93% B+ = 87%-89% B = 84%-86% B- = 80%-83% C+ = 77%-79% C = 74%-76% C- = 70%-73% D+ = 67%-69% D = 64%-66% D- = 60%-63% F = 59% & below
Wednesday Folder Classwork Graded work School Information Announcements Progress Report(End of the month) Comments Let me know if you would like your child to retake any math tests. They can retake tests during Fun Friday.
Contact Information Please visit our classroom website for classroom news, test dates, homework, and other important information. http://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/rpes School Phone Number (951) 736-7305, Email dhansen@cnusd.k12.ca.us Student homework log If you have any other questions, or if you would simply like to meet with me in person, please feel free to contact me for a conference. The best and fastest way to reach me is through email. I look forward to having a fantastic year with you and your child, and I hope to hear from you soon!! Thank you for coming!!!!!!