The Power of True Worship


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Presentation transcript:

The Power of True Worship Isaiah 6:1-8

The Power of True Worship Reveals the Majesty of God (v. 1-4) Insight Isaiah received into God’s majesty: “Sitting on a throne”—KING—AUTHORITY “High and lifted up”—EXALTED ABOVE ALL “Filled the temple”—AWESOME PRESENCE “Holy, holy, holy”—SEPARATE, ABOVE ALL “The whole earth is full of His glory”—OMNI “Shaken”—POWERFUL PRESENCE True worship occurs in the presence of God. God’s majesty is: the focus of worship today. the cause of worship today.

The Power of True Worship Creates awareness of own sinfulness (v. 5) Like Isaiah, we live in a permissive age: Tendency to excuse sin or rationalize it “Woe is me!” When he saw God, he saw himself & his sin. “I am undone!” He felt doomed/destroyed because of his sin. “Unclean lips!” He knew he was unfit to be in God’s presence. God’s holiness ought to make us aware of sin & its power to separate us from God.

The Power of True Worship Provides an opportunity for cleansing (v. 6-7) Awareness of sin ≠ cleansing from sin Isaiah had his sin “taken away…purged.” We should enter worship without the guilt, shame & separation of our own sin. Worship should be a time of: Confession – I’m undone, unclean, unworthy Cleansing & purification – 1 Jn. 1:9; Jas. 4:8 Comfort & joy in the forgiveness – Heb. 10:22 Glorifying Him who cleanses us and makes us “fit” to worship – Rev. 1:4-6; 5:9-14

The Power of True Worship Proclaims the voice of the Lord (v. 8) Like Isaiah, worship must not only focus on God but take time to listen to Him. Worship should be a time to listen to the Lord speak to us through the reading & preaching of His word. The proclamation of God’s voice: Not intended to simply make us feel good Intended to challenge us to action—“Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Worship, directed to God, should stir the hearts of God’s people to be more than hearers (James 1:21-27).

The Power of True Worship Prepares the Christian for service (v. 8) Isaiah: Seeing God’s majesty, wanted to serve. Sensing his own unworthiness, wanted to serve. Being cleansed from sin, wanted to serve. Hearing the voice of the Lord, wanted to serve. Thus, when an opportunity presented itself: Eagerly replied: “Here am I! Send me!” And he NEVER turned back. Worshiping the Almighty should: Inspire us to serve Him (2 Tim. 2:21; Eph. 2:10). Renew our commitment to serve (Rom. 12:1-2). Motivate us to worship & serve more (Mt. 4:10).

There Is Power in True Worship to Inspire, Encourage & Motivate We can only know the power of true worship when we actually worship. When we give ourselves in true worship: We WON’T be concerned about: Minimums Time We WILL actually: Want MORE Give MORE And, as a RESULT, we will: Worship MORE Grow MORE The pressure of true worship is on ME! “I have to go” What I get Ask for MORE Attend MORE Get MORE Serve MORE

Surrender Your Life to God Today Believe Jesus is God’s Son – John 20:30-31 Repent of your sins – Acts 2:38 Confess your faith in Jesus – Matthew 10:32 Be immersed in water – Mark 16:16 Sins are forgiven – Acts 22:16 Added to His church – Acts 2:47 Registered in heaven – Hebrews 12:23 Worship & serve Him ONLY – Matthew 4:10