Question 1 IrlEspCypGerm Solarx PVx Wind Heatx Water turbines xx
The Most Used: Ireland: Wind Spain: Solar Cyprus: Solar Germany: Wind
Question 2 Ireland: one Panel cost € 80 Watts Spain: one Panel cost € 240 Watts Cyprus: one Panel cost € 150 Watts Germany: one Panel cost € 70 Watts
Question 3 A) Floor with underfloor heating. A) The construction materials of the floor (see plan No. 2) starting from the inside: 1. 3 cm Wooden floor. 2. 5cm Skrit to cover the underfloor heating pipes. 4. 5 cm Extruded Polystyrene. cm Aerated concrete to cover the pipes of different services. cm Concrete Reinforced with steel. cm hardcore polythene dpc.
Question 3 Roof The construction materials of the roof (see plan No 3) starting from the inside: 1. Wooden frame. 2. 20cm Extruded Polystyrene. 3. Insulation (Asphalt). 4. Clay. 5. Clay tiles Roof slope has been chosen at an angle 22.5°, 41.4%.
Question 3 WALLWOOD€20,00 per square meter WINDOWAluminium – Triple glazing €346,00 per square meter ENERGY SUPPLY1)Wind 2)Solar 3)Heat pump WE DON’T GIVE A FUCK! Aye!