Together we achieve the extraordinary! Building Successful Partnerships
No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. President Franklin Roosevelt
Cashman, 1994 Revised 1998, 2001, 2003 Achieving Reality at Every Level
The State of Corporate Citizenship in the U. S. In which issues do businesses believe they should be playing an active role? Education (59%) Health care Development of alternative energy sources Center for Corporate Citizenship
The State of Corporate Citizenship in the U. S. What are companies’ priorities regarding investing in the community? K-12 Education (48%) Economic development Job training Center for Corporate Citizenship
Importance to Business Education is the… * #1 social issue that companies support philanthropically * #1 social issue that companies believe they should play a role in * #3 social issue affecting long-term competitiveness (after health care and terrorism) State of Corporate Citizenship Survey
National Alliance of Business Conference – New York City Business is committed to supporting public education Improved student achievement directly impacts long term business success Trend is to move away from philanthropic partnerships/relationships Mutual benefits will define most new partnerships Accountability is expected
Vision without funding is just a hallucination. Henry Ford
Three Reasons For Building Leaders to Focus on Performance of Students with Disabilities It is the law. It is the right thing to do. In a very practical way, the measured success of the school as a whole is tied to the success of the students with disabilities and other subgroups.
Dual Goals: Achievement and Well Being Achievement is measured and therefore gets attention Principals are the instructional leader of the school and must attend to the achievement level of all students NCLB focuses principals on the academic performance of students with disabilities The critical link between achievement and transition for students with disabilities - improved academic performance increases career choices. Transition is important to the end goal of PreK- 12 education: adult life, independent living, employment and /or postsecondary education and the skills to meet the challenges of the future
Guiding Principles for Business and School Partnerships A How-To Guide for School-Business Partnerships
From Policy to Practice Unite: People that care deeply about issues People that want to improve practice Learn: About each other as the basis for improving what we do What is having an impact in our respective worlds How-To Guide for School/Business Partnerships Matching Needs and Potential Resources
National Association of Secondary School Principals New Connections in Support of Transition Participation in national business roundtable groups on behalf of schools Bring the awareness of transition to the table Translate the key discussion for transition audiences Participation in the IDEA Partnership and the National Community of Practice in Support of Transition School Business Partnerships Initiative
Breaking Ranks II Breaking Ranks in the Middle
IDEA Partnership
For More information on the NASSP initiatives on School-Business Partnerships Visit:
Materials Conact Jay Engeln at for permission to download copies of A How-To Guide for School/Business Partnerships and/or other related materials.
Copies of A How-To Guide for School/Business Partnerships are available for conference participants on the resource table compliments of the Council for Corporate and School Partnerships and The Coca-Cola Company.