Sebal ET Estimation Reference Morse, A., Tasumi, M., Allen, R. G., and Kramber, W Final Report. Application of the SEBAL Methodology for Estimating Consumptive Use of Water and Streamflow Depletion in the Bear River Basin of Idaho through Remote Sensing. Idaho Department of Water Resources, University of Idaho, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. The file is stored as ”FinalAllenReport.pdf” and can be downloaded from our website: ualizationinstruction/FinalAllenReport.pdf References and Downloaded Files
The official manual of Aster data resentations/aster_user_guide_v2.pdf Or download it at our web site: need to be set.
Download and visualize Aster data Please see the instruction about how to download, open, export, and visualize the Aster satellite data at: 0/Aster-data-and-HDF- Presentation_files/frame.htm
Download HDFView2.1 software Or our web site: Need to be set
Downloaded data used in ET calculation Radiance at 12:00 on 09/04/2002 at Las Cruces _ hdf Surface temperature at 12:00 on 09/04/2002 at Las Cruces. llitedata/AST_08_ hdf Reflectance data at 12:00 on 09/04/2002 at Las Cruces. Files/Satellitedata/AST_07_ hdf0 Files/Satellitedata/AST_07_ hdf1
The Surface Reflectance Scale Factor l/downloadedfiles/references/ ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance VNIR File Format.htm l/downloadedfiles/references/ ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance SWIR Format.htm
The long wave radiation calculation The long wave radiation calculation follows equation 45 in: soil470/sebalfolder/references/Standard ETO equations.pdf
Roughness calculation from NDVI Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., M. Menenti, R.A. Feddes, and A.A.M. Holtslag A remote sensing surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL): 1. Formulation. J. Hydrology , p
Albedo calculation from reflectance data (Laing, et. al., 2002) Liang, Shunlin, Chad J. Shuey, Andrew L. Russ, Hongliang Fang, Mingzhen Chen, Charles L. Walthall, Craig S.T. Daughtry, Raymond Hunt Jr Narrowband to broadband conversions of land surface albedo: II. Validation. Remote Sensing of Environment 84, 25–41. bal/downloadedfiles/references/Liang2002AlbedoCal culation.pdf
Dry soil albedo soil470/sebalfolder/references/SoilAlbedoM atthias.pdf
Hourly Etr calculatiuon The hourly Etr calculatio used FAO Penman- Monteith equation. Please find equation 6 in: #fao%20penman%20monteith%20equation Or: 0/sebal/DownloadedFiles/References/Chapter%20 2%20-%20FAO%20Penman- Monteith%20equation.htm
Visualize any ASCII Data Please read the instruction about how to visualize data at: ensing/TxtVisualization/
Energy Balance Equation, Roughness Length, etc… Campbell, G. S., and Norman, J. M. (1998). An introduction to environmental biophysics (Second edition). Springer.
UTC Time Conversion The file of “UTC Time Conversion.htm” shows the time conversion method. It can also be shown on our web at: The site needs to be set.
Other relative references They can be downloaded at our website also at: Need to be set.