Liberty High School Class of 2012 Post Secondary Statistics
In State vs. Out of State
Class of 2011
Class of % 2.5%
2 11 Where did they go? Class of
Class of 2012 Attending Public Colleges in Maryland
‘ Class of 2012 Attending 4 Year Maryland Public Schools
Class of 2012 Attending 4 Year Maryland Private Schools
Class of 2012 Attending 2 Year Maryland Public Schools
How competitive? O The Class of 2012 attended 78 different schools. O 5% are considered Most Competitive by Barron’s O Boston University, Lehigh University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill O 1 student attending each of these schools O 11.5% are considered Highly Competitive O Beloit College, Elon University, Gettysburg College, North Carolina State University, St. Mary’s College of Maryland,, University of Maryland: College Park, University of Pittsburgh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Worcester Polytechic Institute O 24 different students are attending these 9 schools O 28% are considered Very Competitive O 55 students attending 22 different schools O 32% are considered Competitive O 49 students attending 25 different schools
Exciting and Unusual Schools! O Belmont University (TN) O Beloit College (WI) O Missouri University of Science and Technology O North Carolina State University O Otterbein College (Ohio) O Parsons The New School for Design (NY) O Pratt Institute (NY) O Savannah College of Art & Design (GA) O South Dakota School of Mines & Technology O Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)